Jindal Stainless Limited - Leading Stainless Steel Manufacturer. We provide cutting-edge stainless steel solutions for industrial and commercial applications.
印度Jindal Steel Limited(JSL)近日在一份声明中称,公司将合并Jindal Stainless Hisar Limited(JSHL)。JSL常务董事Abhyuday Jindal在声明中表示,JSL和JSHL的合并将简化资本结构,使合并后的业务营业额扩大至27.3亿美元左右。声明称,两家公司合并后的实体年钢铁产能为190万吨,将成为全球前十大不锈钢生产商中唯一的印度公司。
Competitors of Jindal Stainless include Jindal Stainless (Hisar) and 5 more. Looking for a leg up on competitive, customer and technology insights? CB Insights puts confidence and clarity into your most strategic decisions. See how. Join a demo. Trusted by the world's smartest companies to: ...
× Monthly Stainless Trivia Fill in your answer below How many could you spot? Quality & TechnologyHome Products Quality & TechnologyDeclaration of Performance Jaipur Hisar Declaration of Performance DOP_EN 1.4003 Declaration of Performance DOP_EN 1.4016 Declaration of Performance DOP_EN ...
Jindal Steel and Power's headquarters is located at 12, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi. Who are Jindal Steel and Power's competitors? Competitors of Jindal Steel and Power include Jindal Stainless (Hisar) and 5 more. Looking for a leg up oncompetitive,customerandtechnologyinsights?
Hisar Metal Industries Ltd NSEI:HISARMETAL 4.1% Jindal Stainless Ltd NSEI:JSL 4.7% Quality Foils India Ltd NSEI:QFIL 5.5% Kalyani Steels Ltd NSEI:KSL 6.1% Steel Authority of India NSEI:SAIL 6.4% Jindal Saw Ltd NSEI:JINDALSAW 12.4%
我们发现下列公司与Jindal Stainless Ltd相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务指标,并将列表缩小到以下范围。 名称代码资本支出的一致预期均值 Hisar Metal Industries LtdNSEI:HISARMETAL- Quality Foils India LtdNSEI:QFIL- Kalyani Steels LtdNSEI:KSL- ...
Jindal United Steel Limited is a company incorporated on 1st December 2014 under the Companies Act, 2013 and has its registered office at O.P. Jindal Marg, Hisar 125005, Haryana. JUSL is engaged in hot rolling and cold rolling of a wide array of stainless steels including austenitic, ferriti...
Odisha. It has also acquired inter alia the coke oven undertaking from Jindal Stainless Limited pursuant to the Composite Scheme of Arrangement among Jindal Stainless Limited, Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Limited, Jindal United Steel Limited and Jindal Coke Limited and their respective shareholders and cred...
The article highlights the reopening of Jindal Stainless' hot strip mill at its integrated stainless steel plant in Hisar, northern India after its six-month refurbishment. It notes that the mill's annual melting capacity was increased from 650,000 tonnes to 750,000 tonnes. The plan of the ...