Jindal Stainless Limited - Leading Stainless Steel Manufacturer. We provide cutting-edge stainless steel solutions for industrial and commercial applications.
印度Jindal Steel Limited(JSL)近日在一份声明中称,公司将合并Jindal Stainless Hisar Limited(JSHL)。JSL常务董事Abhyuday Jindal在声明中表示,JSL和JSHL的合并将简化资本结构,使合并后的业务营业额扩大至27.3亿美元左右。声明称,两家公司合并后的实体年钢铁产能为190万吨,将成为全球前十大不锈钢生产商中唯一的印度公司。
相比竞争对手,Jindal Stainless Hisar的今日盘后价格变动基准如何? Jindal Stainless Hisar Ltd今日盘后价格变动 搜索公司或ETF 分析 财政年度 以下为Jindal Stainless Hisar Ltd今日盘后价格变动数据要点 : - 表现汇总 今日迄今品种或资产价格在盘后的变动 无可用数据...
New Delhi, October 28, 2021: The financial results of Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Limited (JSHL) for Q2FY22 were taken on record by its Board of Directors today. Accelerated pace of the vaccination drive and consistent decline in the pandemic’s impact have led to a quick economic recovery af...
Jindal Stainless已与达索系统签署协议 印度领先的不锈钢制造商 Jindal Stainless 已与达索系统签署协议,以加强其生产规划、调度和执行流程。最近合并并将其产能翻了一番,达到每年 290 万吨 (MTPA),这将使 Jindal Stainless 能够无缝管理 Hisar(哈里亚纳邦)和 Jajpur(奥里萨邦)之间的端到端生产和运营功能。通过采用集成...
Competitors of Jindal Stainless include Jindal Stainless (Hisar) and 5 more. Looking for a leg up on competitive, customer and technology insights? CB Insights puts confidence and clarity into your most strategic decisions. See how. Join a demo. Trusted by the world's smartest companies to: ...
Odisha. It has also acquired inter alia the coke oven undertaking from Jindal Stainless Limited pursuant to the Composite Scheme of Arrangement among Jindal Stainless Limited, Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Limited, Jindal United Steel Limited and Jindal Coke Limited and their respective shareholders and cred...
Competitors of Jindal Steel and Power include Jindal Stainless (Hisar) and 5 more. Looking for a leg up oncompetitive,customerandtechnologyinsights? CB Insights puts confidence and clarity into your most strategic decisions. See how. Join a demo. ...
Jindal United Steel Limited is a company incorporated on 1st December 2014 under the Companies Act, 2013 and has its registered office at O.P. Jindal Marg, Hisar 125005, Haryana. JUSL is engaged in hot rolling and cold rolling of a wide array of stainless steels including austenitic, ferriti...
The article reports on the reopening of hot strip mill of Jindal Stainless in Hisar, India, which was reopened in order to increase its melting capacity to 750,000 tons per year from 650,000 tons per year.EBSCO_bspMetal Bulletin Daily...