I like the way Paul talks about it in Romans 5…“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of Go...
Most people in Jesus sandals would be enamored by the types of crowds that followed him, but Jesus wasn’t. He could see through their facade and into their hearts. He knew not all who followed him really believed. Notice how Jesus talks about fo-followers or fad followers: “Now when J...
[5]In fact, Rome says, if we believe that our penitential works are nothing more than the faith by which we grasp that Christhas alreadymade satisfaction for our sins, then we’re damned to hell (Tanner (ed.) “Trent,” Session 14, canon 12, inDecrees,2:713). [6]Augustus H. Stro...
while on Earth in the region of Israel about 2000 years ago, Jesus was killed, crucified on a torturous wooden cross by an evil humanity, but this was part of God The Father's plan for the rescue of a portion of the human race from the wages of sin-- which are Death and Hell. Hi...
Jesus Talks About His Death 30Then Jesus and his followers left that place and went through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone to know where he was31because he wanted to teach his followers alone. He said to them,“The Son of Man will be given to men who will kill him. After three ...
(Numbers 31: 17-18). Later, Jesus – like father, like son – relishes the opportunity to put his enemies to the sword (Luke 19:27) and orders those who don’t believe in him be consigned to hell where they’ll be tortured forever (Matthew 25: 41-46). This is evil by any ...
Jesus talks about John the Baptist - Jesus taught all these things to his 12 disciples. After he had finished, he went away from that place. He went
More significant was the substance of his first term. Trump 1.0 was in an utterly unique position. He came to office with zero political or military experience. Dr Steve Turley of Turley Talks said that Trump was in a unique position, a third-party candidate who won a major party nomination...
They would thus seek to kill him. In their demonic state of delirium, they set out to unleash hell on Jesus of Nazareth. Knowing this, Jesus readied himself for the relentless blows of the unseen principalities and powers. The devil would inflict pain on Jesus by the hands of men, those...
Evangelical Christian, What The Hell Did You Expect Me To Do? Why Conservative Evangelical Christianity Is The Worst Evil Ever Manifested Upon The Earth There's No Such Thing As A Christian Nation I Can't Vote Republican, The Bible Tells Me So I'm Sorry Conservative Christianity, I Just Can...