Jesus taught more about hell than heaven.” After detailed research, I found this to be completely false. The results of the comprehensive work can be found at this link: Did Jesus Really Teach More About Hell Than Heaven Luke, the writer of Acts, described a group of people who verified ...
the I’ve-got-it-all-together crowd, the my-universe-is-running-just-fine-thank-you crew. But the kingdom belongs to those who recognize their desperate need for Him and long for the reconciliation of heaven and earth.
From the point Mr Hale described hell to me, I began to be confused about God. Over time, I viewed God as angry at me. With arms crossed and looking down from heaven, I was certain he was waiting for me to make a big enough mistake so He could condemn me to an eternity in sting...
Rome wrongly teaches that, after death, believers may need to be cleansed and purified from the temporal consequences of sins to have the holiness necessary to enter heaven.The truth is that scripture says believershave already beenreconciled to God and have peace with him, because he has declar...
Heaven and the creation of space (1:1); Earth, the creation of matter (1:1); Seas (1:10); Starts (1:16) Male and female (1:27); Marriage and wife (2:24); Sin (3:6); Judgment and more (3:14) First Messianic prophecy (3:15); ...
YHWH God is a Jewish God, the Father in Heaven of His Divine Son, the Jewish Jesus/Yeshua... so He will be more than a little wrathful toward these latest apostates in the long history of Planet Earth! You see, He told us MORE THAN ONCE that He (God Almighty, the Great I AM, ...
YHWH God is a Jewish God, the Father in Heaven of His Divine Son, the Jewish Jesus/Yeshua... so He will be more than a little wrathful toward these latest apostates in the long history of Planet Earth! You see, He told us MORE THAN ONCE that He (God Almighty, the Great I AM, ...
I praise youfor the glimpses of heaven we experience from time to time of what it will be like when all creation is “brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God,”–because of what you accomplished[4]. Such glimpses include: ...
Then Jesus came to them [his disciples] and said,“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,and teaching them to obey everything I have co...
豆瓣6.0全新发布× 豆瓣 扫码直接下载 iPhone·Android >Hellsing - Jesus Christ Is In Heaven Now 表演者: Yasushi Ishii 版本特性:选集 条型码:4046167860121 发行时间:2007 唱片名:Hellsing - Jesus Christ Is In Heaven Now 出版者:CLJ 介质:CD