Damaging Belief 4: People who have never heard Jesus’ name will suffer in hell forever. Related to damaging belief 3, we must consider: What about the billions of people who never heard the name of Jesus Christ—the only name by which we must be saved? As the apostle Peter said about...
givenmacabredetails about Judas’s death, presumably to show thatGospelprophecies were literally fulfilled. His account appears in numerouslegends, particularly in Coptic works, and inmedievalliterature. InDante’sInfernoJudas appears in the deepest chasm ofhellwithJulius Caesar’s assassins,Brutusand...
Where is Hell? And who goes there? Can anyone escape from Hell? And is Hell the "Lake of Fire?" What are "Gehenna" and "Tartarus?" What the Bible really says about Hellanswers these questions and many more about Hell. Holy Bible - Is it the Word of God?
The evil people will be killed and they will be cast into hell, just like the evil people in Noah’s time
“But if your slave says to you, “I don’t want to leave you,” because he loves you and your family and has a good life with you,17stick an awl through his ear into the door; he will be your slave for life. Also do this to a female slave.” ...
[5]In fact, Rome says, if we believe that our penitential works are nothing more than the faith by which we grasp that Christhas alreadymade satisfaction for our sins, then we’re damned to hell (Tanner (ed.) “Trent,” Session 14, canon 12, inDecrees,2:713). ...
Christians today see the message of the cross at least mostly in their thought about heaven and hell, the afterlife, and not having much practical outworking now, definitely none for society and living in “the real world.” You have to have your gun or guns, you have to have military ...
Recent polls show that, although 71 percent of adults nationwide believe in hell, they don't want to hear about it. "Mention of hell from pulpits is at an all-time low," writes LA Times staff writers Mike Anton and William Lobdell. They go on to explain that most pastors sel...
Choose anyone or anything else, and you will cross over into the most horrible place imaginable when you die – hell itself, and then eventually into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone after the Millennium has taken place, where the Bible says that the smoke of your torment will ascend forever...
Jesus in hell - Where did He go while His body was in the tomb? Joseph of Arimathea - Who was he? Was Jesus crucified on Mount Calvary? The Case For Christ- Simon Greenleaf, Sir Lionel Luckhoo, Lee Strobel and other legal minds compile and critically examine the evidence for themselves...