public RedBlackTree() { root.left = nil; root.right = nil; root.parent = nil; } // @param: x, The node which the lefRotate is to be performed on. // Performs a leftRotate around x. private void leftRotate(RedBlackNode<T> x){ // Call leftRotateFixup() which updates the num...
private void delete_red_leaf(TreeNode node, boolean needDel) 最后就是最麻烦的删除的删除黑色叶子(非Nil)节点的情况,找出兄弟节点,找出远侄子节点,找出近侄子节点。 private void delete_black_leaf(TreeNode node, boolean needDel) 删除叶子节点包含了另外一个参数booleanneedDel,因为上面提到的有些情况需要继续...
TreeNode parent=node.getParent();while(null!= parent && parent.getColor() ==NodeColor.RED) {//parent should not be root for root node must be blackbooleanuncleInRight = parent.getParent().getLeft() ==parent; TreeNode uncle= uncleInRight ?parent.getParent().getRight() : parent.getParent...
publicclassRedBlackTree<KeyextendsComparable<Key>,Value> { privatestaticfinalbooleanRED=true; privatestaticfinalbooleanBLACK=false; privateNoderoot;//头节点 privateclassNode{ Keykey;//用来比较的键 Valuevalue;//用来保存真正的值 Nodeleft, right;//左右子节点 ...
红黑树(Red-Black Tree,简称R-B Tree),它一种特殊的二叉查找树。 红黑树是特殊的二叉查找树,意味着它满足二叉查找树的特征:任意一个节点的值,大于等于左孩子的值,小于等于右孩子的值。 除了具备该特性之外,红黑树还包括许多额外的信息。 红黑树顾名思义就是给节点加入了颜色,每个节点上都有存储位表示节点的颜...
I was going through the source code of TreeMap in JAVA. As per JAVA doc: A Red-Black tree based NavigableMap implementation. The map is sorted according to the natural ordering of its keys, or by a Comparator provided at map creation time, depending on which constructor is u...
To improve the performance, when the number of nodes reaches a threshold (default is 8), the LinkedList is converted to RedBlack Tree. When the number of nodes decreases below a threshold (default 6), the tree is converted back to LinkedList. You can read this article to understand the ...
I have an ArrayList<Foo> structure in Java with standard tree-like fields: id, id_parent, value I want to get a list of all leaves (id_element's) of a given node. My example data is: Foo ArrayList<E> elementData Object[10] [0] Foo id 1333393146 id_element 1333398441937...
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