curr->parent->color = treeNode::BLACK; curr->parent->parent->color = treeNode::RED; RR(curr->parent->parent); } else if (uncle->color == treeNode::RED) { curr->parent->color = treeNode::BLACK; uncle->color = treeNode::BLACK; curr->parent->parent->color = treeNode::RED; c...
* if a node has two red children. Performs flip and rotations. * @param item the item being inserted. */ privatevoidhandleReorient(Comparableitem){ // Do the color flip current.color=RED; current.left.color=BLACK; current.right.color=BLACK; if(parent.color==RED)// Have to rotate { gr...
private void delete_red_leaf(TreeNode node, boolean needDel) 最后就是最麻烦的删除的删除黑色叶子(非Nil)节点的情况,找出兄弟节点,找出远侄子节点,找出近侄子节点。 private void delete_black_leaf(TreeNode node, boolean needDel) 删除叶子节点包含了另外一个参数booleanneedDel,因为上面提到的有些情况需要继续...
other=parent.right;if(isRed(other)) {//Case 1: x的兄弟w是红色的setBlack(other); setRed(parent); leftRotate(parent); other=parent.right; }if((other.left==null|| isBlack(other.left)) &&(other.right==null||isBlack(other.right))) {//Case 2: x的兄弟w是黑色,且w的俩个孩子也都是...
红黑树(Red-Black Tree)是一种非常重要的数据结构,在开发中我们时常能够见到它的身影,如JDK中的TreeMap、TreeSet以及JDK8中的HashMap,在它们的底层实现中都使用到了红黑树。红黑树的学习成本还是挺高的,为了掌握这一数据结构,我们决定从二叉排序树开始讲起,然后逐步衍生到AVL树、2-3树,最后再过渡到红黑树。本篇...
TreeNode root :根节点,一般默认为 null 红黑树的外部类的构造方法: 主要采取默认的参数为 null 的构造方法 代码如下: import static TreeNode.RedBlackTree.Color.BLACK; import static TreeNode.RedBlackTree.Color.RED; public class RedBlackTree {
在Java集合框架中,TreeSet是一个有序的、不允许元素重复的集合。它基于红黑树(Red-Black Tree)数据结构实现,这种数据结构能够确保元素在插入、删除后仍然保持有序状态。红黑树是一种自平衡的二叉查找树,它通过一系列的旋转和颜色调整来保证树的高度相对较低,从而保证了操作的效率。
7 ConstructBinaryTree 重建二叉树 Java 8 NextNodeInBinaryTrees 二叉树的下一个结点 Java 9 QueueWithTwoStacks 用两个栈实现队列 Java 10_01 Fibonacci 斐波那契数列 Java 10_02 Climbing Stairs 爬楼梯 Java 10_03 Climbing StairsⅡ 爬楼梯Ⅱ Java 11_01 MinNumberInRotatedArray 旋转数组的最小数字 Java ...
Red-Black ツリー ベース NavigableMap の実装。 C# コピー [Android.Runtime.Register("java/util/TreeMap", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)] [Java.Interop.JavaTypeParameters(new System.String[] { "K", "V" })] public class TreeMap : Java.Util.AbstractMap, IDisposable, Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable...
First choice for BST is a Red-Black tree as it is most universal data structure. However if your tree will be used mostly for search then take a look at AVL tree. If mostly the same elements are retrieved again and again then Splay tree can be even better. If sometimes there is a ...