private RedBlackNode<T> root = nil; public RedBlackTree() { root.left = nil; root.right = nil; root.parent = nil; } // @param: x, The node which the lefRotate is to be performed on. // Performs a leftRotate around x. private void leftRotate(RedBlackNode<T> x){ // Call ...
private void delete_red_leaf(TreeNode node, boolean needDel) 最后就是最麻烦的删除的删除黑色叶子(非Nil)节点的情况,找出兄弟节点,找出远侄子节点,找出近侄子节点。 private void delete_black_leaf(TreeNode node, boolean needDel) 删除叶子节点包含了另外一个参数booleanneedDel,因为上面提到的有些情况需要继续...
TreeNode parent=node.getParent();while(null!= parent && parent.getColor() ==NodeColor.RED) {//parent should not be root for root node must be blackbooleanuncleInRight = parent.getParent().getLeft() ==parent; TreeNode uncle= uncleInRight ?parent.getParent().getRight() : parent.getParent...
code/data_structure/ Jump to 304 lines (259 sloc)7.93 KB RawBlame importjava.util.LinkedList; importjava.util.Queue; publicclassRedBlackTree<KeyextendsComparable<Key>,Value> { privatestaticfinalbooleanRED=true; privatestaticfinalbooleanBLACK=false; ...
红黑树(Red Black Tree)是一种自平衡的二叉查找树,它和AVL树类似,都是在进行插入和删除操作时通过特定操作保持二叉查找树的平衡,从而获得较高的查找性能,它虽然结构复杂,但是它可在时间复杂最坏情况O(logn)内,完成查找、插入、删除操作; 约束性质 ...
public TreeNode(){} /** * 添加平衡 * @param tree */ public void addBalance(RedBlackTree tree){ while(this.parent!=null&&{ if(this.parent==this.parent.parent.left){ if({ = true; ...
Java TreeSet:基于红黑树的排序集合解析 在Java集合框架中,TreeSet是一个有序的、不允许元素重复的集合。它基于红黑树(Red-Black Tree)数据结构实现,这种数据结构能够确保元素在插入、删除后仍然保持有序状态。红黑树是一种自平衡的二叉查找树,它通过一系列的旋转和颜色调整来保证树的高度相对较低,从而保证了操作的...
Red-Black ツリー ベース NavigableMap の実装。 C# コピー [Android.Runtime.Register("java/util/TreeMap", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)] [Java.Interop.JavaTypeParameters(new System.String[] { "K", "V" })] public class TreeMap : Java.Util.AbstractMap, IDisposable, Java.Interop.IJavaPeerable...
Interesting that AVL tree was much better than Red-Black tree. Treap was quite good too (maybe even the best choice as it is much simpler than only slightly faster AVL tree). Another interesting observation is that less balanced Scapegoat tree (0.9 alpha) had slower inserts than 0.75 alpha ...
4). Build an unweighted graph using thevertexarray and the edge array; 5). Obtain the DFS search tree and print the search order; 6). Obtain the BFS search tree and print the search order; 7). Test your code and take a screenshot of the output window; ...