private RedBlackNode<T> root = nil; public RedBlackTree() { root.left = nil; root.right = nil; root.parent = nil; } // @param: x, The node which the lefRotate is to be performed on. // Performs a leftRotate around x. private void leftRotate(RedBlackNode<T> x){ // Call ...
JavaTreeMap实现了SortedMap接口,也就是说会按照key的大小顺序对Map中的元素进行排序,key大小的评判可以通过其本身的自然顺序(natural ordering),也可以通过构造时传入的比较器(Comparator)。 TreeMap底层通过红黑树(Red-Black tree)实现,也就意味着containsKey(), get(), put(), remove()都有着log(n)的时间复杂...
private void delete_red_leaf(TreeNode node, boolean needDel) 最后就是最麻烦的删除的删除黑色叶子(非Nil)节点的情况,找出兄弟节点,找出远侄子节点,找出近侄子节点。 private void delete_black_leaf(TreeNode node, boolean needDel) 删除叶子节点包含了另外一个参数booleanneedDel,因为上面提到的有些情况需要继续...
code/data_structure/ Jump to 304 lines (259 sloc)7.93 KB RawBlame importjava.util.LinkedList; importjava.util.Queue; publicclassRedBlackTree<KeyextendsComparable<Key>,Value> { privatestaticfinalbooleanRED=true; privatestaticfinalbooleanBLACK=false; ...
红黑树(Red-Black Tree,简称R-B Tree),它一种特殊的二叉查找树。 红黑树是特殊的二叉查找树,意味着它满足二叉查找树的特征:任意一个节点的值,大于等于左孩子的值,小于等于右孩子的值。 除了具备该特性之外,红黑树还包括许多额外的信息。 红黑树顾名思义就是给节点加入了颜色,每个节点上都有存储位表示节点的颜...
Then it moves up the tree and checks the balance and so on until it reaches the root node. There are several resources around the internet that explain Red-Black Trees in depth. But, I think the best way of understanding the process is following an animated tutorial like this...
Interesting that AVL tree was much better than Red-Black tree. Treap was quite good too (maybe even the best choice as it is much simpler than only slightly faster AVL tree). Another interesting observation is that less balanced Scapegoat tree (0.9 alpha) had slower inserts than 0.75 alpha ...
6. Support for BANanoPromise. See this tutorial: 7. 3 shortcut methods on the BANanoElement: .GetField .SetField .RunMethod All three are BANanoObject methods, now also available on BANanoElement as shortcuts. ...
TreeMap is implemented based on red-black tree structure, and it is ordered by the key. extends AbstractMap implements NavigableMap, Cloneable, Serializable。 每次查找(containsKey, get),put,都要有logn的时间 LinkedHashMap preserves the insertion order ...