Evidence on how concurrent programs are written can raise developer awareness about available mechanisms. It can also indicate how well-accepted some of these mechanisms are in practice. Moreover, it can inform researchers designing new mechanisms about the kinds of constructs that developers may be ...
A customization of these techniques is needed to embed a set of “change type” rules that are relevant for security weaknesses (e.g., replace mutableMapOf with ConcurrentHashMap if the class extends Thread). Another common weakness related to the improper control of resources is CWE-668: Exp...
The SV-COMP community found that the explicitly defined methods are better for the competition, and also closer to practice. Finally, the static method assume(boolean) in the same class can be used to assume a certain value range. The implementation halts using Runtime.getRuntime().halt(1)...
Le Goues C, Holtschulte N, Smith EK, Brun Y, Devanbu P, Forrest S, Weimer W (2015) The manybugs and introclass benchmarks for automated repair of c programs. In: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE). in press Long F, Rinard M (2015) Staged program repair with condition...
lfsfxy9: 你也是让人很费解。 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispathcher edr_: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'password' in aijuans: 深有感触 怎么样写一个好的android程序 计算机...
These are not relevant for inter-class dependencies. Invocations on system classes are not visualized, because they can hardly be monitored. Furthermore, the monitoring of system classes can lead to large dependency graphs, because even small programs can involve many system classes in the back...