JAttack executes the given template to generate concrete Java programs. For example, one generated program from the templateT.javacan beTGen1.java. importjattack.annotation.Entry;importstaticjattack.Boom.*;importorg.csutil.checksum.WrappedChecksum;publicclassTGen1{staticints1;staticints2;publicstaticint...
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Dahm, M.: Byte code engineering with the JavaClass API. Technical Report B-17-98, Institut für Informatik, Freie Universität Berlin (1999) Google Scholar Demartini, C., Iosif, R., Sisto, R.: A deadlock detection tool for concurrent Java programs. Software: Practice and Experience 29(...
At the same time, we noticed that a small number of projects have eliminated many uses of these methods, employing the CountDownLatch class, part of the java.util.concurrent library, instead. This number is not large enough for statistical analysis. Nevertheless, it indicates that mechanisms ...
. Sound Control Flow Graph Extraction from Incomplete Java Bytecode Programs. In: Gnesi, S., Rensink, A. (eds) Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering. FASE 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8411. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-54804-8_...
In this paper a structural integration testing approach for Object-Oriented (OO) and Aspect-Oriented (AO) Java programs is presented. To make the activity more feasible, we address the testing of pairs of units (i.e., methods and pieces of advice). A model called PWDU (PairWise Def-Use...
SuperComputing:The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications 高性能计算机方向公认的高水平会议之一,第一届会议是1988年,每年11月举行,4、5月份投稿。会议内容包括technical and education programs,workshops,tutorials以及展览的一系列活动供与会者参加。SuperComputing“is the one place ...
(ELLIS, CLAIRE) levels. Furthermore, we will continue the growth path for our staff, in order to build up capacity enabling us to further develop our scientific excellence and offer our strongly increased student population the world-class research-intensive education they deserve. To achieve this...
The benchmark consists of 297 Java programs each having at least one failing test case. The IntroClassJava dataset is very similar to Defects4J; however, it does not provide the manually cleaned fixing patches. 2.4.3 QuixBugs QuixBugs is a benchmark for supporting automatic program repair ...
These are not relevant for inter-class dependencies. Invocations on system classes are not visualized, because they can hardly be monitored. Furthermore, the monitoring of system classes can lead to large dependency graphs, because even small programs can involve many system classes in the back...