Corbett, J.C.: Using shape analysis to reduce finite-state models of concurrent Java programs. ACM Transactions on Software Engingeering and Methodology 9(1), 51–93 (2000) Article MathSciNet Google Scholar Dahm, M.: Byte code engineering with the JavaClass API. Technical Report B-17-98...
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The benchmark consists of 297 Java programs each having at least one failing test case. The IntroClassJava dataset is very similar to Defects4J; however, it does not provide the manually cleaned fixing patches. 2.4.3 QuixBugs QuixBugs is a benchmark for supporting automatic program repair ...
Huitt Maintenance support for Object-Oriented programs IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng., 18 (12) (1992), pp. 1038-1044 Google Scholar [42] G. Xu, A. Rountev Regression test selection for AspectJ software ICSE ’07: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE ...
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These are not relevant for inter-class dependencies. Invocations on system classes are not visualized, because they can hardly be monitored. Furthermore, the monitoring of system classes can lead to large dependency graphs, because even small programs can involve many system classes in the back...