Wolfinbarger JB, Bloom ME. Inhibition of interferon-stimulated JAK-STAT Signaling by a tick-borne flavivirus and identification of NS5 as an interferon antagonist. J. Virol. 2005Oct;79(20):12828-39.PubMed ID: 16188985
1995. Interferon induction of gene expression through the Jak- Stat pathway. Semin. Virol. 6:181-189.Levy D E.Interferon induction of gene expression through the Jak-Stat pathway. Seminars in Virology . 1995Interferon induction of gene expression through the Jak–Stat pathway[J] . David E. ...
1、抑制JAK-STAT通路可纠正干燥病中的唾液腺炎症和干扰素驱动的免疫激活 Inhibition of JAK-STAT pathway corrects salivary gland inflammation and interferon driven immune activation in Sjögren's disease Ann Rheum Dis; IF: 27.400; DOI: 10.1136/ard-2023-224842 内容概要: ① 干燥病(SjD)是第二常见的系...
基因的靶向研究已表明SOCS-1、SOCS-2 、SOCS-3、CIS可以对抗干扰素(Interferon,IFN)-γ/STAT1、白介素(Interleukin, IL)-12/STAT4、IL-4/STAT6、生长激素 (growth hormone,GH) /STAT5和IL-6/STAT3的效应。CIS是SOCS家族中的一员,与SOCS2具有高度同源性。...
Second, RTK/Ras pathway stimulation causes the downstream activation of MAPK. MAPK specifically phosphorylates a serine near the C-terminus of most STATs. Furthermore, the functions of activated STATs can be altered through association with other transcription factor...
Ifn是JAK/STAT通路的重要调节子。Ifn-α/β由两个亚基IfnAR1和IfnAR2组成,它们在受到Ifn刺激后形成异二聚体。这会导致两个JAK激酶的激活:JAK1和TYK2,随后将STAT1和STAT2蛋白磷酸化。磷酸化的STATs从受体异二聚体上解离,并与IRF(Interferon Regulatory Factor-9)家族成员IRF9/p48结合,形成主要干扰素基因因子的...
In particular, the JAK-STAT pathway appears critical in signal transduction by interferon as well as numerous hematopoietic growth factors interacting with members of the hemapoietin receptor superfamily. Although ligands that interact with receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK), such as epidermal growth ...
>> JAK-STAT信号通路 JAK-STAT信号传送途径(英语:JAK-STAT signaling pathway)使得细胞外的化学信号跨越细胞膜并将信息传送到细胞核内DNA上的基因启动子上,最终引起细胞中DNA转录与活性水平发生改变。JAK-STAT系统是除了第二信使系统外最重要的信号途径。JAK...
HLH患者体内存在大量的炎症因子,如IL-1β、IL-2、IL-6、IL-8、TNF-α、IL-10及干扰素(interferon, IFN)-γ等。而IL-6、IL-10和IFN-γ可以同时激活JAK1和JAK2通路,使与受体耦联的JAK相互靠近并磷酸化激活[12]。有研究发现JAK2的活化可激活下游的STAT5,进而通过...