stamp like the example below from an accredited Agency. If at time of export from the US the wood does not have a noticeable stamp, it is typically re-palletized on plastic or ISPM-certified wood with the required stamp or, in the case of FCL container cargo, it can be fumigated using...
This is because many foreign countries require that all crates made out of wood being shipped from the U.S. be heat treated to reduce the risk of pest infestation. Wooden shipping crates that meet this requirement have an approved stamp known as the “bug stamp” or ISPM 15 m...
5、 Supplier Representative*Example of ISPM15 stamp XX represents country code, OOO the certification number and YY the treatment (HT for Heat treatment and MB for Methyl Bromide fumigationISPM是国际植物保护公约(International Plant Protection Convention,简称IPPC)秘书处所发布的国际植物检疫措施标准第15号...
The ISPM 15 treatment certification stamp has several different forms but all contain the same information:The IPPC “Wheat Stamp”, country of origin (xx), facility code (000), and type of treatment (YY). (In the United States, the third-party inspection agency is also included). ISPM 15...
The ISPM-15 standard is designed to prevent the spread of insects and disease via overseas wood packaging materials such as crates, dunnage, and pallets. The ISPM 15 logo stamp certifies that a wooden pallet has been manufactured using debarked lumber and heat treated or fumigated, making it ...
Q. How to know if the International Shipment is ISPM 15 Compliant? A. To ensure the ISPM 15 compliance of an international shipping crate, check for HT stamp or bug stamps approved by the IPPC inspecting agency. These IPPC inspecting agencies perform multiple random inspections on the wooden ...
IPPC International Standard ISPM 15 - University of …UnitedStatesDepartmentofAgricultureAnimalandPlantHealthInspectionService PlantProtectionandQuarantine IPPCInternationalStandardISPM15 GuidelinesforRegulatingWoodPackagingMaterial(WPM)intheTransportofCommodities UnitedStatesDepartmentofAgricultureAnimalandPlantHealthInspection...
We are ISPM-15 certified and authorized to stamp our wood crates based on the consistently exceptional inspections of our facility, procedures, crew, and documentation. Our Nashville international shipping professionals use advanced technology, experience, and unparalleled skill set to provide your ...
“MadeinCanada”stampisnotacceptable. Canadianpalletsmadefromimportedlumber:APHIStellsusthataCanadianpalletmadefrom importedlumbermustbetreatedbyISPM-15guidelineswithtreatmentandmarking.Theyare nolongerexempt.NWPCAisassuredbyTrevorYu,ForestryProgramOfficerwiththe ...