Ensure compliance with ISPM 15 regulations for solid timber. Learn about the guidelines and requirements with our informative resource here!
ISPM15 Update木质包装要求
The ISPM 15 treatment certification stamp has several different forms but all contain the same information:The IPPC “Wheat Stamp”, country of origin (xx), facility code (000), and type of treatment (YY). (In the United States, the third-party inspection agency is also included). ISPM 15...
A. To ensure the ISPM 15 compliance of an international shipping crate, check for HT stamp or bug stamps approved by the IPPC inspecting agency. These IPPC inspecting agencies perform multiple random inspections on the wooden shipping crates to ensure heat-treatment or fumigation of wooden crates....
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) ISPM 。15 en 国际贸易中 木制包装的检疫规定.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Publication No. 15 March 2002 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES GUIDELINES FOR REGULATING WOOD PACKAGING MATERIAL IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE...
Purpose:InternationalStandards Harmonizerequirementsbetweensignatorycountries Eachmembercountrystillhastodraftandimplementtheirownregulation.UnitedStatesDepartmentofAgricultureAnimalandPlantHealthInspectionService PlantProtectionandQuarantine NationalStandards NationalPlantProtectionOrganization(NPPO)AnimalandPlantHealthInspection...
Thus, the stamp acts as a passport for the wood packaging to officially enter through customs. It is considered sufficient proof that it meets the ISPM-15 standard. Because of the effectiveness of the treatment, a certified stamp affixed to SWPM ensures a high level of confidence for wooden ...
compliance with the ISPM 15 standard. The program requires WPM producers to enroll with an inspection agency accredited by the ALSC. The mark shown below, often called an ”HT Stamp” or “Bug Stamp”, is to certify that the wood
“MadeinCanada”stampisnotacceptable. Canadianpalletsmadefromimportedlumber:APHIStellsusthataCanadianpalletmadefrom importedlumbermustbetreatedbyISPM-15guidelineswithtreatmentandmarking.Theyare nolongerexempt.NWPCAisassuredbyTrevorYu,ForestryProgramOfficerwiththe ...