5、 Supplier Representative*Example of ISPM15 stamp XX represents country code, OOO the certification number and YY the treatment (HT for Heat treatment and MB for Methyl Bromide fumigationISPM是国际植物保护公约(International Plant Protection Convention,简称IPPC)秘书处所发布的国际植物检疫措施标准第15号...
compliance with the ISPM 15 standard. The program requires WPM producers to enroll with an inspection agency accredited by the ALSC. The mark shown below, often called an ”HT Stamp” or “Bug Stamp”, is to certify that the wood
The ISPM 15 treatment certification stamp has several different forms but all contain the same information:The IPPC “Wheat Stamp”, country of origin (xx), facility code (000), and type of treatment (YY). (In the United States, the third-party inspection agency is also included). ISPM 15...
“MadeinCanada”stampisnotacceptable. Canadianpalletsmadefromimportedlumber:APHIStellsusthataCanadianpalletmadefrom importedlumbermustbetreatedbyISPM-15guidelineswithtreatmentandmarking.Theyare nolongerexempt.NWPCAisassuredbyTrevorYu,ForestryProgramOfficerwiththe ...
IPPC International Standard ISPM 15 - University of …UnitedStatesDepartmentofAgricultureAnimalandPlantHealthInspectionService PlantProtectionandQuarantine IPPCInternationalStandardISPM15 GuidelinesforRegulatingWoodPackagingMaterial(WPM)intheTransportofCommodities UnitedStatesDepartmentofAgricultureAnimalandPlantHealthInspection...
9.What does an ISPM 15 compliant stamp or mark look like?What do the symbols in the stamp mean? Timber packaging and dunnage bearing the mark below is certified as having been subjected to an ISPM 15approved treatment. ISPM 15 mark
2.WhywasISPM15developed? ISPM15wasdevelopedtoaddresstheglobalspreadoftimberpestsbyregulatingthemovementof timberpackinganddunnageusedininternationaltrade.ISPM15describesphytosanitarymeasures thataredesignedtoreducetheriskoftheintroductionand/orspreadofquarantinepestsassociated ...