CHAPTER XIV. An Ising Model with Random Impurities: Specific Heat : The Two-Dimensional Ising Modeldoi: XIV. An Ising Model with Random Impurities: Specific Heat : The Two-Dimensional Ising Model...
The spins, represented as discrete variables, are arranged in a graph, typically a lattice graph, and this model allows each spin to interact with the closest neighbors. Spins in the neighborhood that share the same value tend to have lower energy; however, heat disturbs this tendency, so ...
By the decoration-iteration mapping transformation, this mixed-spin system is firstly transformed to a simple spin-1/2 Ising model on the two-leg ladder, which is then exactly solved by the standard transfer-matrix method. The thermal variations of the zero-field specific heat are discussed in...
Exact Finite-Size-Scaling Corrections to the Critical Two-Dimensional Ising Model on a Torus. II. Triangular and hexagonal lattices We compute the finite-size corrections to the free energy, internal energy and specific heat of the critical two-dimensional spin-1/2 Ising model on a tria... J...
From this, certain important thermodynamic quantities such as the free energy, the temperature, field-dependent magnetization, the isothermal magnetic susceptibility, the entropy and the specific heat will be derived and discussed. In contrast to the one-dimnsional case, the two-dimensional model ...
Such a model was proposed in 1922 by Schottky within the old Bohr–Sommerfeld quantum mechanics and claimed to explain the high values of the Curie temperatures of certain ferromagnets. Based on this idea Ising formulated a new model for ferromagnetism in ...
Theoretical or Mathematical/ critical points Ising model specific heat/ coherent anomaly method Weiss-like approximations critical phenomena 2D Ising model mean-field transfer-matrix Bethe-like approximations critical exponents critical point specific heat finite-degree-of-approximation scaling ansatz/ A0550 ...
jiaowozidaren/graduation_paper: Ising model and Ising model in BA scale-free network ( 一、参数定义 系统的哈密顿量: H=−J∑⟨i,j⟩sisj−μB∑ksk 通常忽略外场作用,则系统能量 (the internal energy): ...
In this article I will give a brief introduction to Ising model and try to use it to investigate several properties of solid like Magnetization, Energy per spin, Specific heat per spin and susceptibility of particles. To do all of these works, I will use Mean Field Theory which is widely ...
The high-temperature initial susceptibility and specific heat of the spin 1/2 Ising model on the octahedral lattice are investigated by the method of exact series expansions. From the susceptibility series the critical temperature is found to be νc = tanh J/kTc = 0.1613 ± 0.0001. By using ...