What is the Ising Model? 由Ernst Ising创建的磁自旋线性模型 对于一种现象的模拟,每个点都具有两个值中的一个,并且仅与其最近邻发生相互作用 磁自旋可以有1或-1的值 使用哈密尔顿量计算系统的能量H=\pm J\sum_{} \sigma_{i} \sigma_{j}+\mu B\sum_{i}\sigma_{i} 表示近邻相互作用,B表示外场。
One is due to Lenz (1920), and was later on worked out in detail by his pupil Ising (1925). Originally, it was invented for the phase transition of ferromagnets at the Curie temperature; however, in the course of time it was realized that with only slight changes the model can also ...
The Ising model is a very simplified version of the Heisenberg model. In this model, the Hamiltonian is written as (13.100)Hˆ=−J∑i,j′SˆizSˆjz−gμBB∑i=1NSˆiz. Thus, the terms S+andS− are essentially dropped from the Heisenberg model, and the magnetic field is ta...
The Bogoliubov inequality approach in the pair approximation and Monte Carlo simulations are used in a site-disordered Ising model in order to obtain the critical temperature of the FeAlsystem. A similar study is also made for a classical Heisenberg model using Monte Carlo simulations. The results...
From the Ising model, which can be considered to be a certain specialization of the general Heisenberg model, first, an overview of the really wide range of applications of this model and of the possibilities of solving the model will be given. The great interest this model provokes is based...
Cluster expansion methods are applied to calculate 'high-temperature' series for the vacuum energy, the susceptibility and the mass gap for the Ising model and the O(2) and O(3) Heisenberg models in (1+1) dimensions and (2+1) dimensions. Critical points and critical indices are estimated ...
进一步地,模型假定只… 半天侠 物理中的数值方法之——经典Monte Carlo(2) 更新:ising 模型模拟的网站 Ising Model Demohttps://mattbierbaum.github.io/ising.js/修正:wolff算法fortran版本修改,计算 比热 c=\frac{1}{Lt^2}(\langle E^2\rangle-\langle E \rang… yangjh...
In the ordered phase of the 3D Ising model, minority spin clusters aresurrounded by a boundary of dual plaquettes. As the temperature is raised,these spin clusters become more numerous, and it is found that eventually theirboundaries undergo a percolation transition when about 13\% of spins are...
The zero-field susceptibility of the classical Heisenberg model is expanded in the new expansion parameter u≡L(2J/kT) and a formal similarity with the S=1/2 Ising-model expansion is noted. The new Heisenberg-model expansion is seen to p... H.,Eugene,Stanley - 《Physical Review》 被引...
This is the second in a series of three papers that charts the history of the Lenz–Ising model (commonly called just the Ising model in the physics l