使用Python 实现这个 energy function 时,我们可以使用一个 closure 来实现一个 function factory,通过传递beta(β),eta(η)和h参数,生成对应的 energy function。此外为了方便,我们假设传入的x和y不是一维向量,而是对应图像的二维矩阵(注意是np.ndarray而不是nd.matrix,前者的*才是array multiplication即逐个元素相乘...
N=4太小了,设成10看看,另外第二个Etot那里是不是应该 + dE 而不是 - dE ?
Repository files navigation README Example Program to simulate 2D ising model. Based of a Python example found here: https://rajeshrinet.github.io/blog/2014/ising-model/About A test ising model program Resources Readme Activity Stars 0 stars Watchers 0 watching Forks 0 forks Report rep...
Ising model with super long-range interactions. Includes code for Monte Carlo simulations and an analytical exploration of the model. monte-carloising-modelstatistical-physicsisinglong-range UpdatedSep 7, 2024 Python The two-dimensional Ising model simulation implemented in Javascript ...
我正在用2D来模拟Ising模型。除了一件事:临界温度大约是3.5,而它应该在2/ln(2 + sqrt (2))附近,这个模型就像预测的那样。 该项目是一个生成数据的C++程序,以及一个执行该程序的shell脚本。完整的代码可以找到这里。这里还有lattice.cpp 代码语言:javascript ...
Fig. 1. The set of key points used for training the model on DLC: labelled by the human operator (a-d), predicted by the DLC model (b-e), converted in distance matrix, and normalised (the red line shows the distance selected for normalisation) (c-f). (For interpretation of the ref...
Exporting the trained model using ONNX Deploying ONNX in Python Flask using ONNX runtime as a web service We are using theMNIST datasetfor building a deep ML classification model. Step 1: Environment setup Conda is an open-source package management system and manage...
可参考K Binder的两本书。Wolff Cluster Monte Carlo for 2D Ising Model57 赞同 · 11 评论文章 ...