这样,整个Ising模型就可以建模该村落中不同政治见解的动态演化(即观点动力学opinion dynamics)。在社会科学中,人们已经将Ising模型应用于股票市场、种族隔离、政治选择等不同的问题。另一方面,如果将小磁针比喻成神经元细胞,向上向下的状态比喻成神经元的激活与抑制,小磁针的相互作用比喻成神经元之间的信号传导,那么,Isin...
A simple ising model implementation (in C) A simple enough implementation of the ising model in C. The parameters to the model, such as the size of the board, maximum number of sweeps to execute, and temperature of the system, is configured through the #define macros at the head of ...
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The exponent β is close to that of 3D-Ising model, which might be the origin of large magnetocrystalline anisotropy in Fe3GeTe2. While γ approaches to that of mean field or tricritical mean field model. It is then important to understand the nature as well as the range of interaction ...
Hinton 把神经元的偏置(对于可见层记作a, 对于隐含层记作b ) 作为 Ising model 的 “外场”,NN的权重W作为 Ising Model 的“内部耦合系数”(两个神经元之间的权重越大,代表它们的耦合越强,关联越强),于是能量就可以写作非常简单的形式: 这个形式让人惊讶之处在于,在没有浪费任何一个NN中的参量的情况下做到...
Effects of next-nearest-neighbor interactions on the dynamics of random quantum Ising model次近邻作用对随机量子Ising系统动力学性质的影响 利用递推关系方法在高温极限下研究了具有次近邻自旋耦合相互作用的一维随机量子Ising系统的动力学性质,求解了系统的自关联函数及谱密度.假设自旋耦合参量或横向磁场满... Yuan...
We study the spin singlet superconductivity exhibited in an itinerant Ising model Hamiltonian. This Hamiltonian models the Cu−O layers in highT c oxide superconductors. Electrons are itinerant through nearest neighbor hopping. An Ising term is introduced to describe the antiferromagnetic superexchange in...
Shape and size of clusters in the Ising model : By C. Domb and E. Stoll ; IBM Zürich Research Laboratory, 8803 Rüschlokon, Switzerlanddoi:10.1016/0021-8502(77)90026-XJournal of Aerosol Science
5 is devoted to the explicit computation of some superpotential coefficients involving higher point functions of primary operators in the ising model. in sect. 6 , we perform the phenomenological analysis by identifying the electroweak higgs doublets and the quarks and leptons, and by computing ...