这里,通过分析2d Ising model在高温低温展开的自对偶性质(Self-Duality),给出其临界温度的预测值。并且对于3d ising model,构建了一个与其低温展开对偶的高温展开模型,该模型拥有新的local对称性(gauge Z2)。通过引入wilson loop来分析它的相变行为。主要内容来自 kardar 场的统计力学。 二维Ising model的自对偶(Self...
The 3D Ising model (3DIM) is investigated near the critical point. It will be shown that in this limit in 3DIM there are induced gravitational modes, which are described by the SL(2, R) current algebra with coupling constant K. The singularities of the two-dimensional surfaces, immersed ...
Ising模型 1. The partition function and correlation functions of the Ising model on a diamond fractal lattices; 钻石分形晶格上Ising模型的配分函数与关联函数 2. PSGR calculation for Ising model of two-dimensional square lattice; 二维正方晶格Ising模型的重整化群计算 3. Simulation of Monte-Carlo ba...
J. Distler, A Note on the 3D Ising Model as a String Theory, Princeton University preprint PUPT-1324 (hep-th/9205100).J. Distler, A Note on the 3-D Ising model as a string theory, Nucl. Phys. B 388 (1992) 648 [hep-th/9205100]....
3D Ising modelbond disordertwo-stage approachquenched bond randomnessferromagnetic interactionbimodal distributionWe implement a two-stage approach of the Wang-Landau algorithm to investigatethe critical properties of the 3D Ising model with quenched bond randomness. Inparticular, we consider the case where...
The CFT describing the 3D Ising model at criticality is not known to possess any additional symmetry apart from conformal invariance and Z 2 invariance. For this reason we will be able to rely only on the most general properties of conformal theories. The study of such general properties goes...
An expression for the free energy of an (001) oriented domain wall of the anisotropic 3D Ising model is derived. The order--disorder transition takes place when the domain wall free energy vanishes. In the anisotropic limit, where two of the three exchange energies (e.g. Jx and Jy) are...
it can be found the expansion up to second order is completely wrong.
In this study, we computed three critical exponents ($\alpha, \beta, \gamma$) for the 3D Ising model with Metropolis Algorithm using Finite-Size Scaling Analysis on six cube length scales (L=20,30,40,60,80,90), and performed a supervised Deep Learning (DL) approach (3D Convolutional Neu...
As a simple lattice model that exhibits a phase transition, the Ising model plays a fundamental role in statistical and condensed matter physics. The Ising transition is realized by physical systems, such as the liquid-vapor transition. Its continuum limit also furnishes a basic example of interact...