我们以经典的平衡态 Ising model 为例(Ising model 的基本介绍见:伊辛模型 | 集智百科),块粗粒化( block coarse-graining)的操作其实可以近似等价于调控系统的耦合系数(也可以理解成温度,耦合系数和温度有直接的关系)。所以我们会有那张经典的动态 Ising 重整化的图像(如图1所示)。而可以这么做的前提是,不同尺度...
得到了 energy function 的表示,接下来我们需要做的就是想办法让处理过后的图像具备尽可能低的 energy,从而获得更高的概率 P(X=x)。 注意如果我们固定 y 作为先验知识(假设噪声图不变),我们所求的概率就变成了 p(x|y),这种模型叫做Ising Model,在统计物理中有广泛的应用。这样我们的问题就成了以 y 为基准,...
得到了 energy function 的表示,接下来我们需要做的就是想办法让处理过后的图像具备尽可能低的 energy,从而获得更高的概率 P(X=x)。 注意如果我们固定 y 作为先验知识(假设噪声图不变),我们所求的概率就变成了 p(x|y),这种模型叫做Ising Model,在统计物理中有广泛的应用。这样我们的问题就成了以 y 为基准,...
45 Thomas Krajewski - A twisted version of Kitaev’s quantum double model 47:12 Wolfgang Wildgen - René Thom's archetypal morphologies of human language and his 1:01:58 Vasily Sazonov - New Initial Approximation in Loop Vertex Expansion 39:22 Cédric Villani - Of triangles, gases, prices ...
45 Thomas Krajewski - A twisted version of Kitaev’s quantum double model 47:12 Wolfgang Wildgen - René Thom's archetypal morphologies of human language and his 1:01:58 Vasily Sazonov - New Initial Approximation in Loop Vertex Expansion 39:22 Cédric Villani - Of triangles, gases, prices ...
Quantum machine learning Ivan B. Djordjevic, in Quantum Communication, Quantum Networks, and Quantum Sensing, 2023 12.2 The Ising model, adiabatic quantum computing, and quantum annealing Many problems in ML can be mapped to the Ising problem formalism; first, let us describe the Ising model [19...
In this paper we investigate the use of hardware which physically realizes quantum annealing for machine learning applications. We show how to take advantage of the hard- ware in both zero- and finite-temperature modes of operation. At zero temperature the hardware is used as a heuristic minimize...
Posted in Books, Statistics with tags algorithmically infused societies, computational social science, Ising model, Leo Breiman, linear regression, machine learning, Nature, Potts model on August 28, 2021 by xi'an Due to a mishap in the handling of my Nature subscription, I received six issues...
machine learning and optimization and analysis of large networks1,2,3. Interestingly, many of these problems can also be mapped onto the Ising model and solved by finding the ground state of the Ising Hamiltonian4. This allows to find approximate solutions with various heuristic methods, such as...