2012. Making machine learning models interpretable. ESANN (2012).Vellido, A., Martin-Guerroro, J., Lisboa, P.: Making machine learning models interpretable. In: ESANN 2012 (2012)A. Vellido, J. D. Martin, and P. J. G. Lisboa. Making machine learning models inter- pretable. In The ...
Interpretable Machine Learning is a comprehensive guide to making machine learning models interpretable “Pretty convinced this is the best book out there on the subject” –Brian Lewis, Data Scientist at Cornerstone Research Summary This book covers a range of interpretability methods, from inherently ...
Interpretable machine learning models and their properties. Image: Christoph Molnar There are, however, potential disadvantages in using interpretable models exclusively: predictive performance can be lower compared to other models, and users limit themselves to one type of model...
Standard machine learning methods often fail to accurately and timely predict rainfall-induced landslides due to their limited consideration of rainfall and other triggering factors. This study introduces an innovative landslide susceptibility assessment method, extending analysis from the regional to individual...
【译】可解释性的重要性2.1 Interpretable Machine Learning. A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable 2.1可解释性的重要性 可解释重要性原文 如果一个机器学习的模型表现良好,我们为什么不能直接相信这个模型,并且忽略为什么它做了这样的决策?。原因是,仅靠一个指标(loss),例如分类准确性,是一个对现实...
【译】Interpretable Machine Learning. A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable 让黑匣子模型可以解释的指南 【前言】 可解释机器学习 机器学习在改进产品、过程和研究方面具有巨大的潜力。机器学习模型可以做出很好的预测,但是计算机通常不能解释预测,这是我们使用机器学习时的一个障碍。这是关于使机器学习模型...
【译】(Introduction部分)Interpretable Machine Learning. A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable Introduction部分 这本书向你解释了怎样让机器学习模型可解释,这章中包含了一些数学公式,但是即使没有这些公式,你也应该能够理解这些方法的思想。这本书并不适合于初学机器学习的同学,如果你是初学者,建议你去...
【译】Interpretable Machine Learning. A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable 可解释机器学习原文 让黑匣子模型可以解释的指南 【前言】 可解释机器学习 机器学习在改进产品、过程和研究方面具有巨大的潜力。机器学习模型可以做出很好的预测,但是计算机通常不能解释预测,这是我们使用机器学习时的一个障碍。这...
et al. Interpretable machine learning models for detecting peripheral neuropathy and lower extremity arterial disease in diabetics: an analysis of critical shared and unique risk factors. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 24, 200 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12911-024-02595-z Download citation ...
around the nation receive a high number of reports each year (about 4.4 million in 2019) of alleged neglect or abuse. With so many cases, some agencies are implementing machine learning models to help child welfare specialists screen cases and determine which to recommend for further investigation...