Device security Device performance & health Family options. Virus & threat protection in Windows Security helps you scan for threats on your device. You can also run different types of scans, see the results of your previous virus and threat scans, and get the latest protection offered by Windo...
✅ Why windows security is not showing virus and threat protection:
However, in recent years, Microsoft has made Windows Defender a serious contender in the antivirus scene, with some going as far as to say you don't need any other security software on your PC. How Good Is Windows Defender? So, is Windows Defender secure? Fortunately, you don't need ...
To find your Windows security information, go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security. From there, select Virus & threat protection and then Manage settings. This will show you your Windows device’s relevant security details and options. Read: How tofind Security Identifier ...
Windows 10 (and Windows 11) includes a free antivirus application that promises to protect your computer against malware, but is Windows Defender good enough to keep you totally safe? In some cases, it might be — but you’ll get more comprehensive protection with dedicated security and ...
Hello, I’m back yet again. My issue is exactly like this topic from the Kaspersky community but it has gone unanswered.As the title and the linked post say, I always get a notification + sound from Windows Security once every startu...
✅ new pc with window 11 window security is missing virus and threat protection:my window 11 is missing virus and threat protection and app and browser control in window securityand when i try to run quick scan this pop up i...
Windows Defender is now Windows Security and also includes Firewall protection, family options, and more.If you already have an antivirus that expired or don't like it, simply uninstall your antivirus, and Windows Security will take over....
Is Windows Security enough? Windows Defender is a powerful free antivirus program and will be perfect for starting your computer for the first time. But it definitely won’t serve as standalone threat protection, so if this is your only antivirus – consider purchasing Defender alternatives. Its...
In the Windows Security app, click on the“Virus&threat protection”tab located on the left-hand side of the window. Inside“Virus&threat protection”tab, under the“Quick scan”option, press“Scan options”. Inside “Virus & threat protection” tab, under the “Quick scan” option, press ...