[病毒 & 威脅防護] 區段包含防病毒軟體保護的信息和設定,可防範 Microsoft Defender 防病毒軟體和第三方防病毒軟體產品。 在Windows 10 1803 版中,本節也包含勒索軟體保護和復原的信息和設定。 這些設定包括受控資料夾存取設定,以防止未知的應用程式變更受保護資料夾中的檔案,...
“病毒 & 威胁防护”部分包含针对Microsoft Defender防病毒和第三方防病毒产品的防病毒保护的信息和设置。 这些设置包括用于防止未知应用更改受保护文件夹中的文件的受控文件夹访问设置,以及Microsoft OneDrive 配置,以帮助你从勒索软件攻击中恢复。 此区域还会通知用户,并在发生勒索软件攻击时提供恢复说明。
- “服务”选项卡:Microsoft Defender Antivirus Microsoft Defender防病毒网络实时检查服务 (WdNisSvc)- “进程”选项卡:Microsoft Network Realtime Inspection Service -“详细信息”选项卡:NisSrv.exe - “服务”选项卡:Microsoft Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service ...
在上图中的Virus & threat protection settings界面点击并查看“管理设置”(Manage settings),相关的内容如下: Real-time protection(实时保护):实时定位并阻止恶意软件在你的设备上安装或运行。 Cloud-delivered protection(云提供的保护):通过访问云中的最新保护数据以提供增强保护和更快的保护。 Automatic sample subm...
Virus & threat protection in Windows Security helps you scan for threats on your device. You can also run different types of scans, see the results of your previous virus and threat scans, and get the latest protection offered by Windows Defender Antivirus. Some of these options are unavailabl...
Virus and Threat Protection in the Windows Security App Applies ToWindows 11 Windows 10 Productivity apps, 1 TB of cloud storage, and advanced security We think you'll really like this.Unlock OneDrive The virus and threat protection page of the Windows Security app is ...
Advanced digital threat protection Get ESET HOME today! Many users have recently complained of Windows 11’s virus and threat protection not working. IfWindows Defender isn’t working, your PC will be vulnerable to malware. It’s not hard to realize, why is this such a problem, and in toda...
Virus and Threat Protection in the Windows Security App Applies ToWindows 11 Windows 10 Productivity apps, 1 TB of cloud storage, and advanced security We think you'll really like this.Unlock OneDrive The virus and threat protection page of the Windows Security app is design...
2 thoughts on “How to Disable / Enable Virus & Threat Protection in Windows 10” How do i stop virus and threat protection from updating automatically I have a problem for setting virus and threat protection which showing “you have limited permission contact it helpdesk or your virus and thr...
从Windows 10 版本 1703 及更高版本开始,Microsoft Defender防病毒设置可在 Windows 安全中心 应用中查看。 有关 Windows 中内置的安全功能和设置的详细信息,请参阅Windows 安全中心。 重要 禁用Windows 安全中心应用不会禁用防病毒或Windows 防火墙Microsoft Defender。 当设备上安装了非M...