- “服务”选项卡:Microsoft Defender Antivirus Microsoft Defender防病毒网络实时检查服务 (WdNisSvc)- “进程”选项卡:Microsoft Network Realtime Inspection Service -“详细信息”选项卡:NisSrv.exe - “服务”选项卡:Microsoft Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service ...
- “服务”选项卡:Microsoft Defender Antivirus Microsoft Defender防病毒网络实时检查服务 (WdNisSvc)- “进程”选项卡:Microsoft Network Realtime Inspection Service -“详细信息”选项卡:NisSrv.exe - “服务”选项卡:Microsoft Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service ...
Windows 會在 Windows Update 中自動下載最新的安全情報,但您也可以手動檢查。 在電腦上的 [Windows 安全性] 應用程式中,選取 [病毒 & 威脅防護>防護更新>檢查更新或使用下列快捷鍵: 檢查更新 勒索軟體保護 Windows 安全性 中的勒索軟體保護頁面有保護以防範勒索軟體,以及在您遇到攻擊時進行復原的設定。 在...
Windows 11Windows 10 生產力應用程式、1 TB 的 OneDrive 和進階安全性 立即解除鎖定 Windows 安全性 應用程式的病毒與威脅防護頁面是專為協助保護您的裝置免於病毒、惡意代碼和勒索軟體等各種威脅所設計。 此頁面提供數種功能和設定的存取權,以確保全面保護,並分為下列各節: ...
Protect your privacy, identity, and devices with Windows Security. Explore Windows 11 security features like Microsoft Defender Antivirus that help keep you and your PC safe.
Protect your privacy, identity, and devices with Windows Security. Explore Windows 11 security features like Microsoft Defender Antivirus that help keep you and your PC safe.
✅Windows 11, ✅Windows 10 本文內容 隱藏病毒與威脅防護區段 隱藏勒索軟體保護區域 [病毒 & 威脅防護] 區段包含防病毒軟體保護的信息和設定,可防範 Microsoft Defender 防病毒軟體和第三方防病毒軟體產品。 在Windows 10 1803 版中,本節也包含勒索軟體保護和復原的...
Protect your privacy, identity, and devices with Windows Security. Explore Windows 11 security features like Microsoft Defender Antivirus that help keep you and your PC safe.
Windows 10 and 11 include Windows Security, which provides the latest antivirus protection. Your device will be actively protected from the moment you start Windows. Windows Security continually scans for malware (malicious software), viruses, and security threats. In addition to...