“After 8 months of collecting and building… My daughters “colorful” Lego UCS Millennium Falcon is done!” Read more over on Reddit. 5.OVER THREE DECADES, TECH OBLITERATED MEDIA… Kara Swisher on her front tow seat to a slow moving catastrophe is a great insight into someone who saw the...
the tiniest of details. Terry Masear, who rescues injured hummingbirds. She initially came to the work by accident, after her cat brought in an infant bird. The fragility of the tiny creature took her down a fascinating path. She spends her days researching, writing about and rescuing hummi...
And Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you will drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized, but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.” Ac meddai Iesu wrthynt...
When I met Superman I was a legal adult. I was a teenager, sure, and a little immature but I had my own apartment, supported myself on my measly Cub Reporter’s salary, and found myself engaged to beautiful space ladies on a regular basis. You know, like a grown up. So naturally...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window) Loading... 4 Comments July 13, 2020 The company of geese The first animal that ever made a person happy simply by existing was a goose....
Back to this power walker…she got me thinking how I need to be putting my thoughts on the good things out there. Rather than click on the headline with the most gruesome, terrifying possibility, I should be focusing on things that make me happy. I’ve consumed all the Kool-Aid on The...
3)Joe Biden, President-Elect: “I hope Donald Trump will accept his loss and will give my upcoming administration a chance to have a successful transition. In return, I would be happy to give Donald Trump a chance to fly out to any country that does not have an extradition treaty with ...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Well, listen buster, you better start to move your feet to the rockin’est, rock-steady beat of Madness. It’s back to the 80s, a time I grew up in, and I never need an excuse to listen to the music ofMadness.Our Houseis a juke...
I do my best to make her happy with toys but I m a bit worried that she might get bored and lonely. I ve thought about getting a foster cat for her to have company but I m a bit reluctant at the moment, mostly thinking of the expense. I d like to hear other people s ...
Cheems’ big break came in June 2019, when the first viral memeusing his imageappeared on Reddit. Created by user Spicy_Meme_Boi, it showed the smiling dog with the caption “Cheemsburbger.” More memes followed, and Cheems’ fanbase grew exponentially. His image was edited into various sit...