thus mathematics, a la Godel, uses Liar Paradox style arguments…(however, considering Buridan’s dissolution of the Paradox, which I embrace, I doubt their work will withstand the scrutiny of eons… Mostly it will become irrelevant… Math will still be incomplete...
AMA - AMA is an acronym for "ask me anything," which originated in a popular subreddit where users will use the term to prompt questions from other users. Since its inception, the term has gone on to be used in other online social settings, such as this discussion on Ana...
It’s one thing for models to flaunt a skirt walking the catwalk. But would a dude who loves his Carhartt be cool about wearing it? There’s a thread on Reddit, which asks that very question: “What are your thoughts on men who wear skirts? Do you think they look feminine and out...
the Workshop Union.Red Fox is classy, well-spoken, and very fond of herself. She mentions to P that her admirers “follow her everywhere.” She cares deeply for her brother, and they are both on a quest to find a cure for Black Cat’s blindness. ...
Past Livesis a deeply meaningful and unique film with a magical premise that will linger on audiences' heads, so it is no wonder users on Reddit actually believe it to be one of the best Asian films to date.IOLIVERSON, who mentioned "Uncle Boonmee" in a comment, is one of those ...
Want More Kitties in Your Inbox? Join over 4,000 other cat lovers... Yes, I Want More Kitties! Comments: What do you think?Have your say about what you just read. Leave me a comment in the box below.FacebookXRedditPinterestLike us on Facebook...
回复@八宝粥加冰谢谢 :国内关于外网娱乐圈感觉有点信息茧房了,最近刷x ytb Reddit啥的那什么霸凌都没看到有人提过。我感觉外网很喜欢嘲他粉丝太疯,动不动cue他梦女,要不就是嘲金小妹啥的。我还借了个awordsworthy的号,关于他演技认可度其实挺可以的,主要是质疑他想走商业主流男演员到底行不行的通这件事,...
The easiest way to get a cat and a dog to be best friends is to introduce them when they are both young (puppy and kitten). They are both developing and learning from their environment, so they will easily learn each others body language and personalities. If this is your case, make ...
When learning CS, there are some useful sites you must know to get always informed to do your technologies even better and learn new things. Here is a non-exhaustive list of some sites you should visit. This list will get updated as soon as I can get another link, but you can also ...
When learning CS, there are some useful sites you must know to get always informed to do your technologies even better and learn new things. Here is a non-exhaustive list of some sites you should visit. This list will get updated as soon as I can get another link, but you can also ...