【I】 · r/IndieHeads 独立音乐分享 【M】 · r/MakeMeSuffer 难受事件分享,大多NSFW,慎点 · r/ManufacturingPorn 制造业视频/动图分享 · r/MurderedByWords 构造巧妙的贬低,回应和反驳 【N】 · r/Nintendo 任天堂 · r/NoSleep 恐怖故事 · r/notmycat别人家猫/野猫碰瓷 【O】 · r/OddlySatisfying...
of subreddits harder to access and replaced them with a “feed” of popular stuff that I’m not interested in. The ads and recommended communities are excessive and Intrusive. Very much has gone from, online form for discussion, to social media “check out my avatar” and upvote my posts...
There is also CLA in butter, which might not be the worst. If my mother explained it, however, the physiological “stress” of cattle is passed on to humans by way of cholesterol. Butter is dirty with “stress” in the fats in that cholesterol. But two tablespoons of butter on a ...
By the way, it's not free group!!! 14L:我听朋友说杨哥这些东西都是有授权的,而且都是阿迪亚太装备部经理亲自签名授权的,不然杨哥为什么造假球衣还上吊牌,绣Logo? 14L: I listen to a friend say Yang Elder brother these things are authorized, and are the Manager of adiasia-pacific equipment de...
I wanna see Syndra too but I would be surprised to see her alongside Irelia, Karma, etc. She's not very well regarded in Ionia. 我也想看到辛德拉的出现,但是如果看到她和艾瑞莉娅、卡尔玛这些人并肩作战的话我还是会很吃惊的。因为辛德拉在艾欧尼亚并不是很受人们尊重爱戴。
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Data Not Linked to You The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity: Purchases Location Contact Info User Content Search History Identifiers Usage Data Diagnostics Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age.Learn More ...
not about rakan? 你把洛置于何处? [–]Yd-eon 14 points 14 hours ago And Rakan is already surrounded by 5 women, Riot might even get Xayah a skin without him for joking about it too. 洛在5个女人的重重包围下,拳头没准也会给霞单独出一个皮肤来调戏他。 [–]LuixLSeJG 12 points 14 ho...
environment 22 Supreme Court says EPA does not have authority to set climate standards for power plants 28939 StartledCats 22 neighbor’s cat tries to steal my car, doesn’t appreciate my presence 29367 IASIP 22 RIP though 48110 SandersForPresident 21 Sanders message to Fox News viewers 76628 ...
If he will want to play he can play untilat least his 40s. His technique does not diminish in fact it is getting better,his experience is just amazing, sure he will get a bit slower, but not by muchand his passing is unmatched. He could easily convert from forward to attackingmidfielde...