this oneness is a fundamental quality of everything . everything is a part of and made of one nondual consciousness. often the question arises, "if it is all one thing, why don’t i experience it that way?" this is confusing oneness for the appearance of sameness. things can appear ...
Everything you know about U.S. involvement in Iran is wronghereNew Republic
Hawking made clear that this quote was only a metaphor: “What I meant when I said we would know 'the mind of God' was that we would know everything God would know if there were a God, which there isn't."
When I was around 10 years old I read Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time and fell in love with physics. As I finished the last page, I made a decision I never questioned again: that I wanted to study the universe and everything it is made of. Explain…Advertise...
Here we can note that the photon mediates electromagnetic force, the gluon mediates quarks (a quark is a composite particle that contain electromagnetic force).Now consider, everything in the universe is made from atoms, atoms are made from composite particles, and composite particles are made ...
And what makes three quarks stick together? A particle that is figuratively represented as a gluon. In addition to the vector boson and graviton. The graviton is a fun thing, since humans did not detect its presence, and the reason why people would believe that it must exist is very ...
of ‘natural’ products that we eat, drink or use is more discriminating than what counts as the ‘natural’ subject matter of the natural sciences. Products for natural living concern what contributes by design to our flourishing. That would not include everything from our natural environments,...
QM threw the supposed material foundations of the world out the window and demonstrated that much of what we call “reality” is not even perceivable to our senses. QM has shown that atoms and subatomic particles, of which everything is made, are not really solid ...
Thus late capitalism seems for them to be not merely an empirical fact but something axiomatic like a law of nature. Everything that comes out of university “theory” disciplines reeks of Marx’s obscurant form of expression. Marxist-isms include modes of production, relations of production, ...
reality is made up of infinitesimal vibrating strings, smaller than atoms, electrons or quarks. According to this theory, as the strings vibrate, twist and fold, they produce effects in many, tiny dimensions that humans interpret as everything from particle physics to large-scale phenomena like...