The creation of a stop codon in the middle of a coding sequence within the gene is called a Condon(密码子):编码特定氨基酸或者翻译起始-终止信号的核苷三联体。 ribozyme(核酶):主要指一类具有催化功能的RNA,也称RNA催化剂。 SD sequence(SD序列):在细菌mRNA 起始密码子AUG上游10个碱基左右处,有一段富含...
In our previous study we showed that a mutant HPV18 genome that contains a stop codon in the E4 sequence that terminates the E1^E4 protein at residue 16 (E4M17) and effectively precludes expression of the full-length E1^E4 protein, did not amplify efficiently upon induction of epithelial ...
Loss of estrogen receptor-alpha expression is associated with hypermethylation near its ATG start codon in gastric can- cer cell lines. Oncol Rep 2004; 11: 617-22.Woo IS,Park MJ,Choi SW,et a1.Loss of estrogen receptor--alpha expression is associated with hypermethylation near its ATG start ...
The sa17276 point mutation causes the appearance of a premature stop codon in place of amino acid 460, deleting therefore the entire C-terminal half of the protein including the actin- and cargo-binding domains. To generate myo1D ; myo1G double mutants, a second mutant allele (myo1Gtj18b)...
(ATG) and the stop codon (TAG) are indicated. Primers are represented as black arrows. The purple box represents CTA repeats and the black box a stretch of Ns.bElectrophoretic gel with amplicons obtained from five MT+ and three MT− strains. The high band (A, orange arrow) is present...
The stop codon within exon 9 is also indicated (TGA, red arrow). (b) Three mRNA variants are generated. ATG1 forms OCLN variants 1 and 2, each of these two variants has a different transcriptional start site. ATG2 generates OCLN variant 3. (c) OCLN variant 1 and 2 translate into ...
All dicots investigated, as well as the monocots Liliaceae and Aloaceae (11, 12), require editing to restore the ndhDAUG start codon from the cryptic start sequence ACG. Other monocots, such as Poaceae, have the correct ATG start codon and, therefore, do not require editing at this ...
domuncula NmeGp1 from -130 to -138 nucleotides (ATGTCTCAG). The structure of sponge NmeGp1 promoter regions is shown in Additional file 1. The Nme gene from A. queenslandica is 654 bp long from the ATG start codon to the TAG stop codon. It has four short introns with lengths of 47,...
The obtained full-length cDNA was 1675 bp in length, including a 176-bp 5′ untranslated region (UTR), a 1275-bp ORF, a 3-bp stop codon (TAA), and a 221-bp 3′UTR. The transcription start site (− 176-bp upstream from ATG) was located within the 114-bp InDel (Fig. 5a). ...
Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) post-transcriptionally degrades the low density lipoprotein receptors (LDLR). However, it is unknown whether PCSK9 acts directly on the LDLR or if PCSK9 activates another protein that in turn causes d