"irregular whitespace not allowed" 这个错误通常出现在处理文本或代码时,尤其是在需要严格遵守格式或语法的环境中,如编程语言、JSON、XML、HTML等。这个错误表明在预期的位置发现了不规则的空白字符,这些空白字符可能是制表符(\t)、多个连续的空格、换行符( )等,而在该上下文中这些是不被允许的。下面我将根据您的...
Hi, I’m getting the error “Irregular whitespace not allowed” when I run standard on any of my files. I’ve created a project in VS2015, and am running my scripts via Task Runner Explorer and the NPM scripts extension—I run all my scripts ...
Hi, Since last update (1.2.11) it does not work with vue file: I am getting the following error: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-irregular-whitespace Irregular whitespace not allowed for a console.log as follow: console.log("save -> thi...
You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to make a failing unit test pass. 除非为了使一个失败的unit test通过,否则不允许编写任何产品代码 2. You are not ... 飞天小烤猪 0 219 VUE项目Eslint报错 2019-12-14 15:11 − 前言:eslint很恶心的一个地方:你是否被各种语法...
Issue Type: Bug Irregular whitespace not allowed might show up with no reason in totally well formed expression like "asd = 1" or "foo || bar". It appears only on one side. When I rewrite the whitespace, the error disappears. Extension v...
3:5 error Irregular whitespace not allowed no-irregular-whitespace Are you willing to submit a pull request to fix this bug? Probably difficult. I want to see if this is a bug or the correct behavior. Activity Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account...