针对你提出的“irregular whitespace not allowed.eslint no-irregular-whitespace”问题,我将按照提供的tips进行回答: 理解"irregular whitespace"的含义: "irregular whitespace"指的是在代码中出现的非标准空白字符,如全角空格(\u3000)、制表符(\t,但通常制表符不被视为不规则,除非在特定上下文中)、非断行空格(...
注册了组件,但没有用到 5、Duplicate key 'xxx' (no-dupe-keys) data重复声明 6、Identifier 'xx_x' is not in camel case (camelcase) js里变量没有使用驼峰 7、'xxx' is not defined (no-undef) 引用了未定义的变量等 8、Irregular whitespace not allowed (no-irregular-whitespace) 空格问题 9、Mix...
Issue Type: Bug Irregular whitespace not allowed might show up with no reason in totally well formed expression like "asd = 1" or "foo || bar". It appears only on one side. When I rewrite the whitespace, the error disappears. Extension v...
"no-invalid-this": 2,//禁止无效的this,只能用在构造器,类,对象字面量 "no-irregular-whitespace": 2,//不能有不规则的空格 "no-iterator": 2,//禁止使用__iterator__ 属性 "no-label-var": 2,//label名不能与var声明的变量名相同 "no-labels": 2,//禁止标签声明 "no-lone-blocks": 2,//禁...
"no-irregular-whitespace": 2,//不能有不规则的空格 "no-iterator": 2,//禁止使用__iterator__ 属性 "no-label-var": 2,//label名不能与var声明的变量名相同 "no-labels": 2,//禁止标签声明 "no-lone-blocks": 2,//禁止不必要的嵌套块 ...
[2, 'functions'], 'no-invalid-regexp': 2, 'no-irregular-whitespace': 2, 'no-iterator': 2, 'no-label-var': 2, 'no-labels': [2, { 'allowLoop': false, 'allowSwitch': false }], 'no-lone-blocks': 2, 'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs': 2, 'no-multi-spaces': 2, 'no-multi-...
no-irregular-whitespace (Rules) - Eslint 中文开发手册 The "extends": "eslint:recommended" property in a configuration file enables this rule. Invalid or irregular whitespace causes issues with ECMAScript 5 parsers and also makes code harder to debug in a similar nature to mixed tabs and spaces...
ESLint does not raise an error for irregular-whitespace in template literals. What actually happened? Please include the actual, raw output from ESLint. 3:5 error Irregular whitespace not allowed no-irregular-whitespace Are you willing to submit a pull request to fix this bug? Probably difficu...
/*eslint no-irregular-whitespace: ["error", { "skipTemplates": true }]*//*eslint-env es6*/functionthing(){return`template <NBSP>string`;} When Not To Use It If you decide that you wish to use whitespace other than tabs and spaces outside of strings in your application. ...