no-irregular-whitespace是ESLint中的一个规则,用于禁止在代码中使用不规则的空白字符。 2. 理解"irregular whitespace"的含义及其对代码可能的影响 "irregular whitespace"指的是在代码中出现的非标准空白字符,如全角空格(\u3000)、制表符(\t,但通常制表符不被视为不规则,除非在特定上下文中)、非断行空格(\u00A...
Hi, Since last update (1.2.11) it does not work with vue file: I am getting the following error: Irregular whitespace not allowed for a console.log as follow: console.log("save -> this.close()", this.close()) ...
注册了组件,但没有用到 5、Duplicate key 'xxx' (no-dupe-keys) data重复声明 6、Identifier 'xx_x' is not in camel case (camelcase) js里变量没有使用驼峰 7、'xxx' is not defined (no-undef) 引用了未定义的变量等 8、Irregular whitespace not allowed (no-irregular-whitespace) 空格问题 9、Mix...
\src\no-irregular-whitespace.js What did you expect to happen? ESLint does not raise an error for irregular-whitespace in template literals. What actually happened? Please include the actual, raw output from ESLint. 3:5 error Irregular whitespace not allowed no-irregular-whitespace Are you ...
IrregularSelection ISCatalog IsEmptyDynamicValue Miring Item ItemAddedAssociation ItemId Tampilan Daftar Item ItemUpdatedAssociation JARFile JavaSource Bergabung JoinNode JournalMessage JSAPI JSBlankApplication JSCoffeeScript JSConsole JSCordovaMultiDevice JSFixedLayoutApplication JSGridApplication JSHubApplication ...
An internal error has occurred in the locking logic of the rgmd, such that a resource group was erroneously allowed to be edited while a failover was pending on it, causing the scha_control call to return early with an error. This in turn will prevent the attempted failover of the resou...
To eliminate these issues, we are using a highly tuned “optimal paragraph” algorithm which evaluates many ways of laying out each line in a paragraph, and chooses the layout with the most even arrangement of whitespace over the whole paragraph. Our justification algorithm uses not only spaces ...
IgnoreTrimWhiteSpace Image ImageButton ImageChisel ImageCrop ImageGenerator ImageGroup ImageIcon ImageLoader ImageMap ImageMapFile ImageTest ImmediateWindow Реализовано ImplementedOverridden Реализации ImplementingImplemented ImplementingOverridden ImplementingOverriding ImplementInterface Им...
robole changed the title "INVALID URL" error for images with line break/ireggular whitespace "INVALID URL" error for images with line break/irregular whitespace Oct 15, 2023 joaomoreno self-assigned this Dec 15, 2023 joaomoreno added the bug label Dec 15, 2023 joaomoreno added this to...
Node version: v18.20.2 npm version: pnpm 8.15.9 Operating System: macOS Which language are you using? commonmark What did you do? After updating fromeslint-plugin-markdownv5 to@eslint/markdownv6, I get the following error: TypeError: Error while loading rule 'no-irregular-whitespace': sour...