These techniques clearly demonstrate that the irreducible complexity of the eye, the immune system, and the bacterial flagellum are subjective impressions. On the contrary, phylogenetic trees based on gene homology show a deep evolutionary link between simple life-forms and complex ones. Finally, the...
One of the claims of the so-calledintelligent design(ID) movement is that some aspects of life are “irreducibly complex”, and so could not have evolved. An example often given is the eye, because it contains many parts (lens, iris, retina, optic nerve), and it will not work if ev...
You’d probably guess that Space Racers wouldn’t have that complexity if there wasn’t a reason for it. And you’d be right. In the beginning, your opponents’ UFOs functioned exactly like walls: If you hit them, you crashed, and your movement was canceled. And in many ways, this ...
And indeed, that's what I've found. This is the fourth of fifth playtest I've run with this new victory condition in place. It took me a while to finish convincing myself that this change was both correct and necessary. I'm using the same pieces, and moving them in the same ways...