播放出现小问题,请 刷新 尝试 0 收藏 分享 0次播放 隔空传送感动泪目,iPhone文件轻松传输到Windows 派大唾沫星子 发布时间:1分钟前还没有任何签名哦 关注 发表评论 发表 相关推荐 自动播放 加载中,请稍后... 设为首页© Baidu 使用百度前必读 意见反馈 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备11000002000001号...
Tap “Link to Windows”. Tap the device you would like to share your file or files with. To share a file from your PC to your iPhone®: Select the file or files you want to share on your PC (local files only). Right-click on the file and...
方案一:苹果自带"文件" + 网上邻居(SMB):百度经验:windows如何设置局域网文件共享:https://jingyan...
2. How to access the File app on Mac? The latest macOS Sierra allows you to store all the files in the Documents folder of your Mac on iCloud Drive. That means you can access these files with your iPad or iPhone easily. But before that, you'll need to allow iCloud Drive to access...
Microsoft has released an Insider preview that lets you "seamlessly" share files from your iPhone to a Windows 10 or 11 PC.
When you launch Windows File Explorer on your PC, you will notice a couple of new folders and Quick access additions; iCloud Drive and iCloud Photos. iCloud Drive: This drive contains all the files and folders you saved to your iCloud Drive, which also includes Apple Pages, Keynotes, and...
需要先安装.Net。 这是一个文件传输和移动软件。它可以在本地互联网上传输文件,也可以将文件传输到任何地方,让您随时与他人共享文件。只需 Wi-Fi 连接即可生成您要共享的文件并生成二维码。收件人只需扫描二维码,文件就会传输到设备上。共享文件从未如此快速和轻松
Step 6. Copy and paste the items you like from your iPhone to the Windows computer. In addition to File Explorer, the built-in app on Windows - Photos is also applicable to import iPhone photos to a PC. After you connect your iPhone to Windows 11, Photos can access your iPhone and lo...
Open the file or picture you want to AirDrop on your iPhone. Tap Share, and choose AirDrop from the sharing options. Select the iPad you want to share the file with. On the target iPad, receive the file. Was This Page Helpful? Updated by Sofia Albert Sofia has been involved...
4.1 Free Xender Movie : File Transfer All-around file-sharing app Also available in other platforms Xender:File Share, Share Music for Windows Xender:File Share, Share Music for Android Program available in other languages Xender:File Share, Share Music 다운로드 [KO] Pobierz Xender:File...