iPhone一键隔空投送照片视频到Windows电脑 测试官稳稳 发布时间:1分钟前分享实用软件技术和各种好玩又实用的app 关注 发表评论 发表 相关推荐 自动播放 加载中,请稍后... 设为首页© Baidu 使用百度前必读 意见反馈 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备11000002000001号...
3. If you have installed iCloud Drive in your PC, you can open it directory to share files. If you don't want to install iCloud drive on your PC, you can openicloud.com, and sign in with Apple ID to transfer files between your iPhone and Windows 10 PC. Bonus Tips: Transfer...
1、两款软件安装完成后,运行Connectify Hotspot,打开右下角的Connectify Hotspot窗口,设置Password,等下在iPhone上我们要用此密码验证。第二个Internet to Share要选择Windows电脑的无线网卡,我这里直接显示的是Wi-Fi。然后Share Over同样选择Wi-Fi。下面一项是加密方式,这跟设置无线路由器的加密方式一样...
Don’t forget to share this post! Page Table of Contents How Many Ways to Transfer Hidden Photos from iPhone to PC? How to Transfer Hidden Photos from iPhone to PC with EaseUS MobiMover How to Transfer Hidden Photos from iPhone to PC with Windows Photos/AutoPlay Feature How to Transfer Hid...
无法在 Windows 安全模式下启动 无法卸载 Office 编译错误:过程太大 无法保证完全修复损坏的文件 文档信息面板已弃用 在Office 中编辑公式时出错 打开文档时出错 在Office 客户端中打开 SharePoint 中的文件时出错 无法保存此文件 启用协作的功能 产品密钥或许可证不匹配无效 ...
Sync your smartphone and Windows computer wirelessly using Microsoft Phone Link. Text, call, back up photos and more, no matter if you have an Android or an iPhone.
第二个Internet to Share要选择Windows电脑的无线网卡,我这里直接显示的是Wi-Fi。然后Share Over同样选择Wi-Fi。下面一项是加密方式,这跟设置无线路由器的加密方式一样。这里使用默认的WPA2。然后点击Start Hotspot按钮就可以将这台Windows电脑的无线网卡变身成一个无线路由器了。如下图:...
Sync your smartphone and Windows computer wirelessly using Microsoft Phone Link. Text, call, back up photos, and more no matter if you have an Android or an iPhone.
Connect with QR Code:For data sharing, this application uses the QR code method, which is secure and eliminates the need to set up devices. File Transfer:Whether it's Excel or PowerPoint, one can easily share files of any format with this seamless solution. ...
How to import voice memos from iPhone to Mac using AirDrop: Step 1. Open the Voice Memos app on your iPhone. Step 2. Select the desired recording, tap the three dots, and choose Share. Step 3. On your Mac, enable AirDrop by opening Finder, selecting AirDrop in the sidebar, and ...