如果你想在 Windows 和 iOS 上实现类似「通用剪切板」的效果,推荐你试试Bark。利用 iOS 的推送通知,它可以把你在 Windows 上复制的文字内容推送到你的手机上,并自动帮你复制到剪切板中。整个过程只需要在 iOS 上下载 Bark 的客户端,然后在 Windows 上下载一个脚本,进行简单的配置后即可使用。 具体的操作方法,...
OneDrive - PersonalOneDrive - Business Tip:Photo story is a new part of OneDrive that makes it easier to share photos and videos with friends and family.Learn more. Select how you want to share How do you want to share? Select the file or folder you want to share (press and hold to ...
连接windows 这边主要也就介绍一下如何使用windows共享文件 Windows10,由于系统默认关闭了SMB1.0的服务,第一步必然是将其打开。 代码语言:txt 复制 - 控制面板-程序和功能-启用或关闭Windows功能-勾选SMB1.0/CIFS_\*_ 开启后重启即可 创建一个专门用来共享文件的账户 代码语言:txt 复制 - win+r键-输入lusrmgr.MSC...
Select the file or folder you want to share (press and hold to select it). TapShare >Copy link. OneDrive creates a URL for your files and puts it in your device clipboard. Go to where you want to put the link, such as a blog, web page or social media post, and paste. ...
Launch your LOB application. Click on the "Get Started" link. You can now send logs directly to Microsoft or share them via another application on the device.Note The logging functionality is enabled for apps that have wrapped with the Intune App Wrapping Tool version 7.1.13 or above.Collect...
Windows 8.1 Assign and deploy policies Enroll devices in Microsoft Intune Use Intune Suite add-ons Initiate remote actions View reports and monitor status Industry guides Platform guides Scenario-based guidance Developer guidance Privacy, compliance, and personal data ...
For the Microsoft identity platform to know which applications can share tokens, those applications need to share the same Client ID or Application ID. This is the unique identifier that was provided to you when you registered your first application in the portal. ...
com.microsoft.intune.mam.managedbrowser.FileUploadAllowedForUrls=https://[*.]contoso.com/|[*.]sharepoint.com/ com.microsoft.intune.mam.managedbrowser.FileUploadBlockedForUrls=* 有关URL 格式的详细信息,请参阅企业策略 URL 模式格式。 备注
#define APPGROUP @"group.com.tencent.liteav.RPLiveStreamShare" @interface SampleHandler() <TXReplayKitExtDelegate> @end @implementation SampleHandler // 注意:此处的 APPGROUP 需要改成上【创建App Group】第4步的创建的 App Group Identifier。
macOS Server 5.4 removes the FTP service when you upgrade. If you need to use File Sharing, go to System Preferences > Sharing. File Sharing All File Sharing functionality has moved to macOS High Sierra. AFP will be deprecated in macOS Server 5.4 and you won’t be able to share files on...