Emission Factor Database Emission Factor Database (EFDB) (EFDB) IPCC NGGIP Side Event at UNFCCC-SB20 17 June 2004, 13:00-15:00 Kiyoto Tanabe Programme Officer, Technical Support Unit IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme Why is the EFDB needed? Why is the EFDB needed?
IPCC指南中提供的排放因子法是目前应用最为广泛的温室气体排放核算方法,即把有关人类活动发生程度的信息(称为“活动数据”;Activity Data,AD)与量化单位活动的排放量或清除量系数(即排放因子;Emission Factor,EF)结合起来,简单用公式表示为:E=AD*EF 温室气体排放量...
IPCC Emission Factor Database Attachment II IPCC Emission Factor Database - Overview and Its Management System 1. Background The quality of national inventories of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases depends substantially on reliable emission factors and activity ...
摘要: 1 IPCC温室气体排放因子数据库编委会第7次会议 IPCC温室气体排放因子数据库(EFDB:Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor Database)作为世界范围内的温室气体清单编制的免费资源,伴随着《IPCC温室气体清单指南》,供编制者在编制清单时使用.关键词:温室气体 IPCC 排放因子 数据库 编委会 数据收集 土壤碳 清单编制 ...
内容提示: 1Attachment II IPCC Emission Factor Database - Overview and Its Management System - 1. Background The quality of national inventories of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases depends substantially on reliable emission factors and activity data. Although...
Carbom Emission Factor, EF碳排放系数/碳排放因子是指每一种能源燃烧或使用过程中单位能源所产生的碳排放数量。根据IPCC(联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会)的假定,可以认为某种能源的碳排放系数是固定不变的。 碳排放系数通常是指二氧化碳的排放系数,甲烷、氧化亚氮、全氟化物、六氟化硫等其他温室气体,一般折算成二氧...
At last,the development direction of the assessment of the carbon emission reduction in the fishery was prospected,which provided a favorable support for the reduction of the consumption in fishery energy and the production efficiency. 展开 关键词: IPCC emission factor method fishery carbon emissions ...
其中,AD(Activity Data)是产生温室气体的活动或设施消耗的活动数据,如非清洁能源的消耗量、净购入的电量、货物运输的里程数等。EF(Emission Factor)是与活动数据对应的因子。每一种温室气体都需要一个对应的因子来进行计算。我们可以从《2006年指南》中寻找因子,也可以使用特定国家排放因子来进行替代。小贴士:...
The projected data have been obtained from International Panel on Climate Change based sustainable emission scenario. The results show that the all effects on carbon dioxide emissions were positive for historical evaluation. On the other hand, carbon intensity, energy mix and energy intensity effects ...
Most national GHG inventories estimating direct N 2 O emissions from managed soils rely on a default Tier 1 emission factor (EF 1 ) amounting to 1% of nitrogen inputs. Recent research has, however, demonstrated the potential for refining the EF 1 considering variables that are readily available...