Emission Factor Database Emission Factor Database (EFDB) (EFDB) IPCC NGGIP Side Event at UNFCCC-SB20 17 June 2004, 13:00-15:00 Kiyoto Tanabe Programme Officer, Technical Support Unit IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme Why is the EFDB needed? Why is the EFDB needed? Desirably...
IPCC Emission Factor Database Attachment II IPCC Emission Factor Database - Overview and Its Management System 1. Background The quality of national inventories of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases depends substantially on reliable emission factors and activity ...
国际上排放因子的选择可以参考 IPCC 排放因子数据库 EFDB(Emission Factor Database,简称EFDB)、欧盟Emission Factor Database、美国EPA(Environmental Protection Agency,简称EPA)、英国政府公布的排放因子转换系数、世界粮农组织FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 简称FAO)、瑞士Ecoinvent...
国际上排放因子的选择可以参考 IPCC 排放因子数据库 EFDB(Emission Factor Database,简称EFDB)、欧盟Emission Factor Database、美国EPA(Environmental Protection Agency,简称EPA)、英国政府公布的排放因子转换系数、世界粮农组织FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 简称FAO)、瑞士Ecoinvent、德国G...
内容提示: 1Attachment II IPCC Emission Factor Database - Overview and Its Management System - 1. Background The quality of national inventories of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases depends substantially on reliable emission factors and activity data. Although...
目前更多的排放因子还是采用默认值,国内排放因子默认值一般来源于相应的核算报告中的补充文件。国际上排放因子的选择可以参考 IPCC 排放因子数据库 EFDB(Emission Factor Database,简称EFDB)、欧盟Emission Factor Database、美国EPA(Environmental Protection Agency,简称EPA)、英国政府公布的排放因子转换系数、世界粮农组织...
国际上排放因子的选择可以参考 IPCC 排放因子数据库 EFDB(Emission Factor Database,简称EFDB)、欧盟Emission Factor Database、美国EPA(Environmental Protection Agency,简称EPA)、英国政府公布的排放因子转换系数、世界粮农组织FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 简称FAO)、瑞士Ecoinvent、德国...
排放因子实测值较默认值更加准确,但这也同时要求整体的数据质量更为可靠,从而实测值才能更加可信。目前更多的排放因子还是采用默认值,国内排放因子默认值一般来源于相应的核算报告中的补充文件。国际上排放因子的选择可以参考 IPCC 排放因子数据库 EFDB(Emission Factor Database,简称EFDB)、欧盟Emission Factor Database、...
Emission Factor Database (EFDB) CGE Hands-on Training Workshop on GHG Inventories Pretoria, South Africa, 18-22 September 2006 Taka Hiraishi, Technical Support Unit IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme CO2 from combustion of crude oil CO2 Emissions (Gg/yr) = CEF ? AD ? 44/12 ?
To quantitatively characterize the range of emission factor, we summarised the emission factors (NCVi, CCi, and Oi) from seven other sources: IPCC, National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), NDRC, Initial National Communication on Climate Change (NC1994), Second National Communication on Climate Change ...