Emission Factor Database Emission Factor Database (EFDB) (EFDB) IPCC NGGIP Side Event at UNFCCC-SB20 17 June 2004, 13:00-15:00 Kiyoto Tanabe Programme Officer, Technical Support Unit IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme Why is the EFDB needed? Why is the EFDB needed? Desirably...
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Emissions Factor Database (EFDB) is a repository of emission factors for various sources and activities that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. The EFDB provides emission factors for the following sectors: Energy. Industrial processes and product...
二、欧盟版EFDB 网址: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/emep-eea-guidebook-2019/emission-factors-database 该网站上提供了pdf版本的EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guide book 2019,内有方法论及使用指南,并备注了最新更新时间为2020-11-23....
A database on GHG emission factors with supporting scientific information would also support the future review and update of the IPCC Guidelines. With this background, a project to establish a database on GHG emission factors (EFDB project) was initiated with a scoping meeting in New Delhi, ...
ipcc emission factor database 下载积分:1500 内容提示: 1Attachment II IPCC Emission Factor Database - Overview and Its Management System - 1. Background The quality of national inventories of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases depends substantially on reliable...
IPCC EFDB - unfccc 下载积分:2500 内容提示: CGE Training MaterialsNational Greenhouse Gas InventoriesTraining Materials for National Greenhouse Gas InventoriesConsultative Group of Experts (CGE)The IPCC Emission Factor DatabaseVersion 2, April 2012 文档...
IPCC排放因子数据库编委会数据收集土壤碳清单编制1 IPCC温室气体排放因子数据库编委会第7次会议 IPCC温室气体排放因子数据库(EFDB:Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor Database)作为世界范围内的温室气体清单编制的免费资源,伴随着《IPCC温室气体清单指南》,供编制者在编制清单时使用.张称意中国气象局VIP气象科技合作动态...
greenhouseguidelinesgasnationalefdbeditorial Ourref.:5325-11/IPCC/TFITodesignatedIPCCFocalPointsandMinistriesofForeignAffairsAttachments:3(ifnofocalpointhasbeendesignated)Geneva,25November2011Sir/Madam,IhavethehonourofinvitingyoutonominateexpertstoserveontheEditorialBoardoftheIPCCEmissionFactorDatabase(EFDB),coordinat...
摘要: 1 IPCC温室气体排放因子数据库编委会第7次会议 IPCC温室气体排放因子数据库(EFDB:Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor Database)作为世界范围内的温室气体清单编制的免费资源,伴随着《IPCC温室气体清单指南》,供编制者在编制清单时使用.关键词:温室气体 IPCC 排放因子 数据库 编委会 数据收集 土壤碳 清单编制 ...
(if no focal point has been designated) Geneva, 25 November 2011 Sir/Madam, I have the honour of inviting you to nominate experts to serve on the Editorial Board of the IPCC Emission Factor Database (EFDB) < http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/EFDB/main.php >, coordinated by the IPCC...