你的--zookeeper设置不正确。应该是的--zookeeper quickstart.cloudera:2181而不是--zookeeper quickstart....
你的--zookeeper设置不正确。应该是的--zookeeper quickstart.cloudera:2181而不是--zookeeper quickstart....
with the other 'hinge being adapted to become automatically rigidifled when the first mentioned hinge is freed from hinging action.i Another object is to provide a bed embodyiing a mafttress slipportingd ftame'i Iaving imiproved imears for supporting a mattress between pairs df djaceiit sec...
Gets a collection of key/value pairs that provide additional user-defined information about the exception. (Inherited from Exception) HelpLink Gets or sets a link to the help file associated with this exception. (Inherited from Exception) HResult Gets or sets HRESULT, a coded numerical valu...
0,pinNO,pinNO,pinNC,pinNC; This would be for one contact. So if you inserted a NO contact it would use the first 2 pins and if you inserted a NC contact it would use the last 2 pins in the list. But this would only be for one contact. So once one of the pairs of pi...
UnsignedDecimalNumberMax3Type UnsignedDecimalNumberType UnsignedInt7Type UpdateFieldsOnOpen UseAltKinsokuLineBreakRules UseAnsiKerningPairs UseFarEastLayout UseNormalStyleForList UsePrinterMetrics UseSingleBorderForContiguousCells UseWord2002TableStyleRules UseWord97LineBreakRules UseXsltWhenSaving Desaparecer Ve...
Using the file browser, browsing directories that contain files with invalid UTF-8 in the file name causes websocketpp to close the connection with error::invalid_payload. Note that in MODE=devel this simply restarts the GUI, so it can l...
I got the following error: key is invalid or of invalid type by the following code. I'm not sure if I'm missing anything. package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go" "time" ) func main() { tokenString, err := CreateJwtToken...
UnsignedDecimalNumberMax3Type UnsignedDecimalNumberType UnsignedInt7Type UpdateFieldsOnOpen UseAltKinsokuLineBreakRules UseAnsiKerningPairs UseFarEastLayout UseNormalStyleForList UsePrinterMetrics UseSingleBorderForContiguousCells UseWord2002TableStyleRules UseWord97LineBreakRules UseXsltWhenSaving 消失 VerticalAli...
The custom key/value pair encoder is not currently supported for query params (only supported for FormData pairs), although it is defined as a visitor method in the TS interface, it is currently ignored. Its support will be added soon. Basically, Axios has its own encoder that handles ...