遇到"error: car: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair]" 这类错误时,首先需要理解错误的含义。这个错误表明在调用 car 函数时,其第一个参数的类型不是期望的“对”(pair)类型。以下是根据提供的信息和你的问题进行的详细分析: 1. 错误信息分析 错误描述:invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not...
Some of the reasons which could cause this message are changes in the monitors. If the user change any feature during the analysis when he continues running, the message could appear. To solve this error, the correct way to do that is saving the simulation. After that we could open the ...
Error: CAR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair] Error Object: () 因此想探讨fluent在设置多孔介质时报错可行的解决方案。 二、基本理论 1、主要参数 (1)孔隙率 (2)比面 (3)迂曲度 (4)孔径 (5)饱和度 (6)渗透率 (7) ( 8) (9) (10)...
fluent6.3.26非定常计算出现 Error: CDR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair]、计算...
采用fluent16.0打开19.0版本出现的错误,说明低版本有些不兼容。 Error: CDR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair] Error Object: #f Reading "D:\Research\CFD\2d\case1-D40-E2.5.dat"... Skipping data sub-section 18 for domain 2 ...
Error: SET..Error: SET-CDR!: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair]Error Object: #f请教一下,有没有人知道fluent出现这个错误该如何解决呢?
Error: CAR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair]Error Object:#F 求大神指导,这个...
Error: CAR: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair] Error Object: It occur when i open Fluent, after the creation of volume mesh and have no idea how to fix the problem. May 10, 2021 at 1:49 pm System Subscriber This discussion was created from comments split from: Error...
: invalid argument [1]: wrong type [not a pair] Error Object: #f 请教一下,有没有人知道fluent出现这个错误该如何解决呢? 分享3赞 gentoo吧 半夜凉裤头 我又来求助。。。还是网卡安装好wpa-supplicant后,找到了网卡,但是出现错误信息 * WARNING: net.wlp3s0 has started, but is inactive 手册也看了...