a->next 这里的'->' 只能用在指针上 而你定义a为结构体实例而不是 指针 你得这样写:p=a.next;
};structHashtable{unsignedTablesize;structnode*;};structHashtable *Initialize(unsignedsize){unsignediii;structHashtable*hp;hp =malloc(sizeof*hp);if(!hp) {fprintf(stderr,"Error!Out of Space\n");returnNULL; } hp->Cells =malloc(size *sizeof*hp->Cells );if(!hp->Cells) { hp->Tablesize...
类型不对。比如:(A *)B->m_c 经常需要改成:((A *)B)->m_c
在编译一个很简单的C语言代码时,遇到C语言指针使用不恰当导致编译报错error: invalid type argument of ‘unary *’ (have ‘int’),代码如下: #include stdio.h int main(){ int b = 10; //assign the integer 10 to variable b int *a; //declare a pointer to an integer a a=(int *)b; //...
32 error: invalid type argument of ‘unary *’ (have ‘int’) 0 c double pointer giving error that doesn't make sense 1 invalid type argument of unary '*' (have 'int') 2 invalid type argument of unary '*' 1 What is wrong with my code? Invalid type argument of unary. Doubl...
:I get this error "invalid type argument of '->'". :It occurs when: :if (num_process->t_pid[i] == -1) { :I have defined the struct num_process in the same file as where the :above is called. :Please could you explain how to resolve this error?
您的构成应该是不少于120个词[translate] acan lead to great illusion 可以导致巨大幻觉[translate] ainvalid type argument of unary‘*’ 一元的`的无效类型论据*’[translate]
C语言编译提示“invalid type argument of `unary *'” 整个代码如下:#include <common.h>#include <asm/io.h>#ifdef CONFIG_MMC_CHANNEL #define MMC_CHANNEL CONFIG_MMC_CHANNEL#else #define MMC_CHANNEL 0#endif#define ELFIN_HSMMC_BASE (0x7c200000 + MMC_CHANNEL * 0
看了半天 才发现问题。for(int i=m, p1=p1+m-1; i<n;i++)这里第一部分 是 int i=m, p1=p1+m-1;所以 系统编译的时候 认为你使用的p1不是参数p1,而是在这里定义了一个int型的新变量。所以 要么把p1=p1+m-1 写到for外面 要么 把 int i定义写到外面 这里只留i=m, p1=p1+m-1;
(((int(*)(int, uint, ushort, uint *, int)) \ (*((uint *)(0x0c004000 + 0x8)))(a,b,c,d,e))改为:define CopyMMCtoMem(a,b,c,d,e) (((int(*)(int, uint, ushort, uint *, int)) \(*((int *)(0x0c004000 + 0x8)))((a),(b),(c),(d),(e)))...