当我把语言改为kotlin的时候,新建项目,报了错误,invalid type code: 00 并且导致我的程序无法运行。 解决方案:File -> Setting -> Languages & Frameworks -> Android(Experimental) ,取消两个勾选,skip soutce...and only sync... 参考网址:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52570334/how-can-i-fix-thi...
Exception in thread “main“ java.io.StreamCorruptedException 当从对象流读取的控制信息违反内部一致性检查时抛出 : Exception in thread "main"java.io.StreamCorruptedException:invalidtypecode: AC问题描述:序列化多次写入时,从...本人小白一个,不能保证博客中内容都准确,如果博客中有错误的地方,望各位多多指教...
1、删除项目中的.gradle和.idea文件;2、点击File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart -> Invalidate and...
Stuart Brown CreatedMay 17, 2021 22:16 There seems to be a bug in IJ, whenever I import my gradle projects, it can't build them, it doesn't pick up settings in my gradle.properties file and IJ log shows "java.io.StreamCorruptedException:...
java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid type code: AC 问题情景: 问题描述: 用类ObjectOutputStream向文件写读对象时,碰到一个问题:新建一个文 件,用输出流ObjectOutputStream向文件连续写几个对象,关闭输出流,然 后读取,这些对象都可以读出;这时在向该文件增加对象,新写的对象就读不出了,不知什么原因?请教了...
Fault Length : 0 Invalid Multicast Group : 0 Invalid Multicast Source: 0 Bad Checksum : 0 Illegal Report Type : 0 IGMP Leave invalid packet: Invalid Multicast Group : 0 Bad Checksum : 0 --- Table 8-11 Description of the display igmp invalid-packet command output Item Description Statist...
Invalid Type Type of the invalid MLD message: Unwanted Source List Zero Max Resp Code Fault Length Invalid Multicast Group Bad Checksum Invalid Multicast Source Illegal Report Type 0000: 84 00 4c d7 00 00 00 00 11 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 0010: 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 Cont...
问题原因:上传的文件类型与指定的Content-Type类型不符。 解决方案:Policy中的Content-Type用于限制表单上传时的文件类型。如果Content-Type限制为image/png,则仅支持上传image/png类型的文件。如果您需要上传其他类型的文件,请添加对应的Content-Type类型。关于常见的Content-Type类型列表,请参见如何设置Content-Type(MIME...
The Type of stack limit such as NormalStackLimits (3). Because the stack is invalid, this represents the kernel's best estimation as to the type of kernel stack that should be active given the state of the machine. Stack limit type: ...
not matched metric_type")search_params={"metric_type":"L2","params": {"nprobe":10}}collection_w.search(vectors[:default_nq],default_search_field,search_params,default_limit,default_search_exp,check_task=CheckTasks.err_res,check_items={"err_code":65535,"err_msg":"metric type not match...