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Inulin is a polymer of fructose monomers and is present in such foods as onions, garlic, wheat, artichokes, and bananas and is used to improve taste and mouth feel in certain applications. It is also used as a functional food ingredient due to its nutritional properties. Inulin may be can...
详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 英文: Inulin A polysaccharide food reserve of some higher plants, particularly the Asteraceae, e.g. Dahlia root tubers. It is a polymer of fructose. 中文: 菊粉:是一种可以作为高等植物储藏营养物质的多聚糖,在菊科大丽花属的块根中尤为明显。它是一种果糖聚合体。更详细.....
Inulin is a labile polyfructose polymer found in many sources as chicory, artichoke and dahlia roots. Its derived FOS (Fructo-OligoSaccharides) are produced using endo-inulinases or alternatively with less expensive and safe catalysts such as phosphoric and citric acids with good yields. Inulin and...
Inulin, a 5200-d uncharged polymer of fructose, was the first substance described as an ideal filtration marker and remains the gold standard against which other markers are evaluated. The classic protocol for inulin clearance requires a continuous intravenous infusion to achieve a steady state and...
Inulin, a polysaccharide predominantly composed of fructose molecules, possesses a linear chain structure with β-(2 → 1) linkages between fructose units and usually has a glucose molecule at one end of the chain. It is not only an edible natural functional polysaccharide, but also a soluble ...
英文 印度尼西亚文 inulinnoun语法 (biochemistry) a polysaccharide found in the roots and tubers of certain plants, especially the Compositae; it is mostly a polymer of fructose[..] +添加翻译 英文-印度尼西亚文字典 Inulin chemical compound
菊粉寡糖 1. Inulin is a special kind of carbohydrate of fructose polymer with the linkage beta-2,1 glycoside bond, inulo-oligosaccharides have been regarded as a kind of functional food ingredients. 菊糖一般由30-60个果糖单位组成,菊粉寡糖是由2-10个果糖单位组成的一种功能性的糖。5...
Inulin, as a unique and flexible structure, has been one of the most popular biodegradable polymers for the development of drug delivery systems due to its stabilization and protective effects and organ-targeting ability, including improved bioavailability, better cellular uptake, and sustained and cont...
Inulin is a dietary fiber favored by researchers for its distinctive water-solubility and probiotic activity. As a natural polymer of fructose, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Union have both recognized inulin as a safe substance which can promote weight loss, mineral ...