Interpretation and Translation Service Interpretation Bible Studies Interpretation of Bible Interpretation of Bible Interpretation of dreams Interpretation of Programming Languages Interpretation of the Bible Interpretation of the Bible Interpretation of the Bible in the Church Interpretation Request Form Interpretati...
of this Agreement shall be settled by [...] 教科文组织与波兰政府之间任何有关本协定 的 解释 和适 用的争端,须经谈判或以双方 同意的其它解决方式解决。 [...] and whether there is any final authority to whom appeals on the interpretation of the Roy...
Define literal interpretation. literal interpretation synonyms, literal interpretation pronunciation, literal interpretation translation, English dictionary definition of literal interpretation. Noun 1. literal interpretation - an interpretation based on
1. the act of interpreting; elucidation; explication. 2. the meaning assigned to another's creative work, action, behavior, etc. 3. oral translation. 4. the performing of a dramatic part, music, etc., so as to bring out the meaning or to demonstrate one's conception of it. 5....
Frank studied interpretation and translation at the university and got a job working with the government. 弗兰克在大学学的是口译和笔译,后来获得了一份与政府合作的工作。 interpretationn(art, poetry)SCSimplified Chinese解读jiě dú SCSimplified Chinese阐释jiě dú,chǎn shì ...
Bible translationBiblical interpretationTheological orientationBaTlhapingPrior to the translation of the Bible in Africa, Africans were already engaging with theBible, initially as an iconic object of power and then as an aural object. In the first sectionof this article I attempt to detect elements...
When the intended meaning of the words in a document is obscure and conjecture is needed to determine the sense in which they have been used, mixed interpretation occurs. In such a case, the words express an individual's intent only when they are correctly comprehended. If John Doe refers ...
Bible, as well as numerous halakicinterpretations,lexicographical and material, which were ready for incorporation into the Talmud in its more restricted meaning oftheinterpretationofthe Mishnah of Judah I. When this Mishnah became the standard halakic work, both as a source for decisions of quest...
Copyright © 2004 by World Bible Translation CenterBack to resources Pinned Expositor's Bible Commentary (Abridged Edition): New Testament Copyright 2004. Plus 22 entries for 馬可福音 4 PLUS Do your Biblical studies anywhere!...
TaggedAmorites 亞摩利人,Bible Contradiction 聖經矛盾,Cannan/Canaanites 迦南/迦南人,Faith & Believe 信與相信,Interpretation 詮釋/理解,Jacob/Israel 雅各/以色列,Obedience 聽命/服從,Punishment 懲罰,Sin 罪,Skeptics,Spiritual 神學家,牧師不會談的,thoughts,Truth,十誡/誡命律例,埃及苦待四百年?