戴尔 Intel Serial IO Driver驱动 适用于 "win10-64/linux/win8-64/win7-64"(64或32位)系统,发布于2021/02/23 【如何更新和安装 戴尔 Intel Serial IO Driver 主板驱动】 关于怎么更新和安装驱动,可以通过驱动精灵自动检测是否有可更新的驱动,用户可选择自主更新或者安装驱动 【如何卸载 戴尔 Intel Serial IO...
Intel updates their drivers regularly. To get the latest Windows 11 driver, you may need to go to theIntelwebsite to find the driver for to your specific Windows version and device model. Once you download your new driver, then you need to install it. To install a driver in Windows, yo...
WHQL Driver: Yes Provider: Intel Corporation Supported operating system: Windows 10 64-bit Release note: Not available Supported Devices: Intel Serial IO UART Host Controller - 3DA8Intel Serial IO UART Host Controller - 3DA9Intel Serial IO UART Host Controller - 3DAFFAQ...
电脑上针对主板(芯片组)的驱动程序,对使用电脑有很大的帮助并且不可缺少。此软件包提供英特尔串行io驱动程序,并受运行windows 8.1(64位)操作系统的venue 11 pro平板电脑支持。 使用说明 一些比较新的笔记本电脑,由于现在都是win10系统占多数,新电脑对win7系统已经没有很好的驱动支持,所以会导致一些原装系统是win8以上...
1)Go to the official website ofIntel, then search “serial io driver”. 2)Go to the download page of this driver, then download its correct and latest version. Download the right driver for your variant of Windows system. You should know what system is running on your computer — whether...
安装方法:下载并安装(推荐): 1.以管理员的身份登录 Windows 操作系统 2.单击立即下载按钮,当弹出文件下载对话框时,选择“保存” 3.下载驱动程序到您指定的位置 4.双击运行已经下载的驱动程序文件,按屏幕提示操作即可 直接安装(不推荐): 1.以管理员的身份登录 Windows 操作系统 2.单击立即下载按钮,当弹出文件下载...
Tech Tip:If you are having trouble deciding which is the right driver, try the . It is a software utility that will find the right driver for you - automatically. How to Install Drivers Once you download your new driver, then you need to install it. To install a driver in Windows, yo...
Поддержка > Driver Detail Оставайтесьнасвязи Нашаприверженностьделуохраныокружающейсреды СмотритенашГлобальныйотчетобустойчивомразвитии. О LENOVO...
This driver provides Intel(R) Serial IO Driver. 兼容的操作系統 Windows 10 64-bit (version 21h1) 還有什麼 Supported Systems ThinkEdge SE30 Manufacturer Intel(R) 此資訊是否對您有幫助? Your feedback helps to improve th...
驱动精灵提供华硕FX-PRO (Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Driver)其他工具驱动V30.100.1519.07版下载,适用于Win10-64,一键解决华硕FX-PRO (Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Driver)其他工具驱动的下载、修复、安装、更新、升级、备份。