目前官方源的zsh在Windows Linux Subsystem下没办法正常运行(会提示wait调用失败)。 本文提供一个安装zsh的hack,基于网友mcornella所提供的workaround(Can't run Zsh · Issue #91 · Microsoft/BashOnWindows · GitHub ,gist.github.com/mcornel )。zsh出错主要是因为wait3出问题,所以编译的时候取消掉这个就好了...
主要是在 ~/.zshrc 文件中新增/修改ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE字段的配置,详细的直接参考官方文档: https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions#suggestion-highlight-style 在Windows 上提示高亮与输入一致无法区分,所以我一般比较简单,改改颜色: ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE='fg=#9e9e9e' 主题...
Oh My Zsh cannot be directly installed on Windows to get it on Windows you need to follow the below-given step-by-step command. A step-by-step guide to installing Oh My Zsh in Windows is mentioned below: Step 1: Enable WSL The first step is to enable theWindows Subsystem for Linux; ...
echo "${BLUE}Cloning Oh My Zsh...${RESET}" command_exists git || { error "git is not installed" exit 1 } if [ "$OSTYPE" = cygwin ] && git --version | grep -q msysgit; then error "Windows/MSYS Git is not supported on Cygwin" error "Make sure the Cygwin git pack...
y.take(11).foreach(println)Copy The output prints 11 lines of thepnaptest.txtfile, with each line reversed. When ready, enter the:quitcommand or pressCTRL+Dto exit the Spark shell. Conclusion You now have a working installation of Apache Spark on Windows 10 or 11. This local setup is ...
For Zsh: open -e .zshrc If you prefer to use nano/pico/vi or any other CLI text editor, you can instead. Adjust the location according to the first step in the following command and add it to the shell configuration file you just opened: ...
echo "${BLUE}Cloning Oh My Zsh...${RESET}" command_exists git || { fmt_error "git is not installed" exit 1 } ostype=$(uname) if [ -z "${ostype%CYGWIN*}" ] && git --version | grep -q msysgit; then fmt_error "Windows/MSYS Git is not supported on Cygwin" fmt...
Zsh sets itself apart with its advanced command completion mechanism, typo correction, and even feature-adding module system. In the case of macOS Catalina or a higher version where the default shell iszsh,we have to append to a different file instead: ...
Using ZSH in your Terminal MacOS Catalina has changed the default terminal from Bash to ZSH. As a result, we'll be adding configs to ~/.zshrc instead of ~/.bash_profile like we used in the past. You can manually change from Bash to ZSH anytime by running the following command: chsh...
To enable it in zsh, run:Bash Copy echo '. <(azure --completion)' >> .zshrc To enable it in bash, run:Bash Copy azure --completion >> ~/azure.completion.sh echo 'source ~/azure.completion.sh' >> ~/.bash_profile Next stepsTo learn more about the Azure classic CLI, download ...