Can't run Zsh · Issue #91 · Microsoft/BashOnWindows · GitHub , )。zsh出错主要是因为wait3出问题,所以编译的时候取消掉这个就好了。另外一个问题是编译的时候还会报infodir删不掉,似乎是什么权限问题,所以要删掉install.info和。运行效果见下图,具体步骤见下文的说明...
In case you're running any macOS version older than Catalina, the default shell should be Bash. For macOS Catalina and newer, the default changed to the Z shell (Zsh). Hence, you need to determine the current shell before changing the PATH variable. Type the following command and pressEnte...
sudo apt install zsh ``` 安装好后,使用以下命令修改默认终端为 zsh ```bash chsh -s $(which zsh) ``` 修改完后重新打开一个终端,即可进入 zsh 界面 ### 安装oh-my-zsh [oh-my-zsh] 是一个用于管理 Zsh 配置的开源框架,它提供了大量的插件、主题和配置选项,以帮助用户更高效地使用 Zsh 。直接使...
macosshellzshinstalldeploymentscriptinstallerdmgpkgmacadminhacktoberfestself-servicejamf-profilewaveaddigykandjimosyle UpdatedFeb 10, 2025 Shell Use shell scripts to install kubernetes(k8s) high availability clusters and addon components based on kubeadmin with one click.使用shell脚本基于kubeadmin一键安装kubern...
1. item2 VS Cmder 终端工具 - iterm2 iterm2是Mac下最好用的终端工具,听说没有之一。配合oh-my-zsh,你的终端居然可以这样!震惊!!(UC震惊部)池建强大大有一篇文章《终极 Shell》讲mac下的终端,讲的比较好,贴这。大家可以做取舍。- Cmder 如果你用过Windows自带的cmd,简直想shi有没有!
Alternatively, for zsh users: source ~/.zshrc. Check if NVM Was Installed Successfully: Run nvm –version to check if NVM was installed successfully. Install Node.js: Now, you can install Node.js. To install the latest version, run: ...
This tutorial assumes you’re usingzsh. If you’re not sure, read my guide tofind out which shell you’re using, and replace any references to.zshrcin the steps below with.bash_profileif you’re using Bash. All versions ofRuby on Macautomatically detect which shell you’re using and con...
zsh: command not found: airflow i am still getting the same error I tried to use the below steps i made changed to the .wslconfig so that wsl can get access to the direct c than mnt/c with the below settings, [automount] root = / options = “metadata” still i am unable to ...
If you're running Linux or macOS and using a console other than Bash (for example, zsh, which is the new default for macOS), then you'll need to give mlnet executable permissions and include mlnet to the system path. In general, you can do so with the following command: Console Copy...
Sorry, I cannot reply to "How to use zsh...". I just installed the Fortran compiler on Windows 10 and it looks like it only comes with setvars.bat and setvars-vcvarsall.bat. I was hoping to find some, but no cigar; do they not exist at all? I...