Assuming you haveHomebrewinstalled. If not, most versions ofmacOSship zsh by default, but it's normally an older version. Alternatively, you may also useMacPorts sudo port install zsh zsh-completions Ubuntu, Debian & derivatives (Windows 10 WSL | Native Linux kernel with Windows 10 build 1903...
mac iTerm2与vscode使用zsh的配置 ys(打开文件后点键盘i(insert)键,进行编辑,然后点esc,输入“:wq” 保存) 更新配置: (五)vscode使用zsh配置 vscode使用zsh跟iTerm2配置...;zsh” 好啦,接下来就可以愉快的使用zsh啦!~ 智能推荐 The Basics of 3D Printing in 2015 - from someone with 16 WHOLE HOURS' ...
Open a Cygwin zsh window. Use the following commands to verify your environment settings: echo $RPAS_HOME echo $RIDE_HOME echo $JAVA_HOME echo $PATH Note: The path for the RPAS_HOME variable may change from release to release. If you make any changes to the environment variable settings,...
$ /bin/zsh -ilc "/home/sturm/.nvs/default/bin/node -p 'JSON.stringify(process.env)'" {"HOSTTYPE":"x86_64","LANG":"C.UTF-8","PATH":"/home/sturm/.nvs/default/bin:/home/sturm/.local/bin:/home/sturm/bin:/home/sturm/.composer/vendor/bin:/home/sturm/.gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin:/hom...
I followed steps below using both the Terminal Windows in VS Code, (when it did not appear to work work) then I tried again using the Mac’s Terminal Window) zsh shell Downloaded and installed (jdk-11.0.16_macos-x64_bin.dmg) Created zsh environment file: touc...
fnm has cross-platform support (macOS, Windows, Linux) & all popular shells (Bash, Zsh, Fish, PowerShell, Windows Command Line Prompt). fnm is built with speed in mind and compatibility support for.node-versionand.nvmrcfiles. FreeBSD ...
For example, on Linux platforms, add the Connector/J driver to your CLASSPATH using one of the following forms, depending on your command shell: # Bourne-compatible shell (sh, ksh, bash, zsh): $> export CLASSPATH=/path/mysql-connector-j-ver.jar:$CLASSPATH # C shell (csh, tcsh): $...
For example, on Linux platforms, add the Connector/J driver to your CLASSPATH using one of the following forms, depending on your command shell: # Bourne-compatible shell (sh, ksh, bash, zsh): $> export CLASSPATH=/path/mysql-connector-j-ver.jar:$CLASSPATH # C shell (csh, tcsh): ...
This step is only for people on macOS. Windows folks can skip ahead.Now we need to make sure pyenv sets itself up every single time we open up a command line. To do this, you need to figure out what specific kind of command line you're using. Run the following command to find out...
Install Arc registration script from PSGallery. Install-Module AzsHCI.ARCinstaller Install the required PowerShell modules in your node for registration. Install-Module Az.Accounts -Force Install-Module Az.ConnectedMachine -Force Install-Module Az.Resources -ForceSet the parameters.Define...